No ethernet connection, MAC OS Sonoma & rudia controller

I have followed the steps for ethernet connection on my Mac computer. I have the IP address set up the same, all up to the last 3 numbers being 76 &176. as detailed in forum below:

Lightburn shows the laser was found but it still shows as disconnected. I removed it and started again with no luck. I have spent hours trying to solve the driver issue but can’t find an exact forum for my version of Mac. Please Please Please someone guide me in the right direction.

I have a OMTECH 80w MF2028

Mac OS Sonoma 14

Is this running through your lan?

Can you see it that it is actually on your lan?

I think this works on a Mac from the terminal… it should list all of the devices on the local network. Just got this Mac, so I’m not used to it. If you have something that will show what’s on your lan that’s what you need.

Sometimes the browser router interface will allow you to see what is on your local network.

arp -a


I have a direct ethernet from the laser to USB C to the computer

When I type that in the terminal this is what I get.

Can you route it through your lan…?

Ethernet isn’t really designed to directly hook up from pc to device. Your pc expects some kind of IP to be received from the other end…

I’m afraid I don’t know much about how the C to Ethernet works…

I’d suggest running it to your lan.


Do you mean for me to run it directly to my router?
This is inside my home and the laser is in my detached garage so that isn’t an option for me. .

You can pick up a wireless router pretty cheap… I ran mine in the garage via a $12 wireless T-link router from Amazon. It’s just setup as a bridge and the laser plugs into it…

It’s similar to the Lightburn PI bridge.

Not having this hardware, I can’t try it to see if I could come up with a solution for your computer.

I think @berainlb has a Mac, maybe he can advise…

Good luck


Can you provide the following:

  1. Photo of the network configuration page on the Ruida panel
  2. Screenshot of how you’ve configured the ethernet port on the Mac
  3. Subnet information for your wifi connection

I believe they just plugged it into a C → Ethernet cable. I don’t know how these work. I’d assume it needs an IP?


This is no different than another USB adapter for ethernet.

Yes. This would need to be manually assigned. So I want to see how this is configured.

I am not as technologically inclined so I’ve had to google a few things to have hopefully gathered all you are asking for. I used LightBurn on this Mac with my diode for years and now this transition to Rudia has my extremely frustrated.

Are you also on WiFi on the computer? If so, can you show the network setup for that?

Can you run this in terminal and return output:


Also, Please provide a screenshot of Edit->Device Settings in LightBurn.

Yes I am on wifi connection

Can you show your network settings for the wifi connection?

The ping command failed. Can you confirm the Ruida was turned on during this and that the ethernet cable is connected? Check to see if you are getting lights on from the ethernet adapter on your computer. There should be two LEDs. Are they blinking?

Yes it was on. The Ethernet connection to my computer comes from the ethernet prt on the laser then is a type c connection at the computer, my computer only has type c ports. Should I try a different type of cable adapter?

Oh. I think I understand now.

You should have 2 separate network connections, one for wifi and one for ethernet. Leave the wifi to automatic IPv4 configuration.

What you need is to manually configure the ethernet port. Can you show the network setup page that shows all your available connections?

Also, you should have the Ruida on a different subnet to avoid potential collision. I’d suggest switching back to the default on the Ruida.

Finally, for that cable, is that the exact cable that you are using? I don’t believe that actually provides an ethernet adapter. It’s meant for limited serial communication on an RJ45 connector. Do you have a USB-C to ethernet adapter?

I do not have that adapter. I just ordered the one you are referring to, as soon as it comes in I will try it and make those other changes and follow up.

Thank you so much for your time, I’ll follow up in a few days when it comes in!

I have swapped the cables and changed the ip address to on the controller. I ran the ping on that ip address with still no such luck. I manually configured the ethernet to that IP address. It is showing connected. still no changes in light burn

Change the IP address of the ethernet device on your computer to something other than Try something like Then retest ping.

That ping is successful which is good. However, note that you want the subnet mask to be This will make the subnet a bit narrower.

Once you do that, retest ping to make sure it’s still working.

Assuming that works, setup LightBurn device configuration to point to Then test.

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