Not enough extended space | frames good in lb

Good Afternoon,
I have an image that frames in lightburn onto the material. I goto run the image and after about 2 minutes I find the laser on the bottom far left and an error on the controller saying “Not enough Extend Space”.

The speed is 150 mm/sec power min =5 max = 20

As you can see from the picture there is plenty of space on the table and in lightburn there are no other images/objects to burn.

Any assistance would be appreciated . Thanks - Mike

I am curious what firmware version you have on your Ruida controller. It displays when you power up the laser. I have had this pop up on me before for no apparent reason. I have in hand the newest firmware version just in case it continues to happen, but it is so rare and I don’t want to apply the firmware just for that. A newer firmware could bring about issues with the wind output.

Hi Jeff,
It comes up as a 8. 00.47

Thank you - Mike

Ah, so do you have a 6442 controller? I have a 6445. So maybe it isn’t a firmware issue if we are talking different controllers.

Hi Jeff,
It looks like I do have the 6442 controller not the 6445.

I brought the image back into GIMP and checked to make sure there is nothing else in the outlying area.

I then trimmed 2 mm around all edges from the image in GIMP just for the heck of it.

Still no success… Uggggg

Thanks - Mike

You’re using user origin mode - you should read this to understand what that means:

Hi There,
Yes, I have changed this to absolute prior to running. Also the image is set to Jarvis dither. Thank you - Mike

I am so confused. Is this a duplicate post?

Hi Jeff,
This post was from an earlier problem that got resolved. Thank you

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