I have just started using Lightburn 1.6 to control an xTool S1 10w laser.
The picture below shows the results of trying various combinations of power and speed to cut a 0.6mm veneer. I cut them individually. All was well for the first two rows (ignore the 5th in the 2nd row where I had not focused the laser) and the first two in the third row.
A problem occurred with the 2nd and 3rd on the third row which I tried to cut as a pair. As can be seen instead of a square I got a triangle for the left hand one and two triangles for the right hand one
The next picture shows the ‘play’ screen where the required squares are shown.
That is a problem with Xtool that I thought had been addressed.
Not sure if it was a firmware fix or a Lightburn fix.
Others with knowledge of the problem will chime in.
Thank you. I did try to load the latest version of the xTool firmware and using 1.6.00 version of Lightburn. I will be more than interested what is said.
Thank you. I followed your instructions and processed the ‘troublesome’ pair of squares. This time I got squares! So it would seem 1.7.00 has solved my problem!!
I used the lbdev file I originally downloaded since I am using a 10w S1 and the lbdev file you gave a link to was for a 40w S1. Was this the correct thing to do?
I will let you know if if I find other problems.
Hooray! Glad to hear that the issue was solved. I think it’s just fine that you use the file provided by @JoeSpanier. It was created by following the steps he listed.