I’m pretty new to laser engraving and got a Problem in lightburn.
My Aufero Laser 1 works fine in LaserGRBL but in lightburn it seems to have an offset problem (had it from the first day on).
The laser is homing correctly and I can move it to all four corners using the arrow buttons in the move panel.
But when I try to frame/cut/engrave a form that is closer than 30mm to x0 and/or 20mm to y0 I receive the following error:
What I also found out, is that moving the laser to a certain position in the move window (insert the numbers and hit Go) has the same problem: I can not move to positions below x30y20 and when i move to x30y20 the laser actually moves to the home position.
Please help! I’d like to use the full area which I can’t at the moment.
Hello, I have the same problem. Sometimes it burns an sometimes it stopped with the same error.
Das G-Code-Bewegungsziel überschreitet den Maschinenweg. Die Maschinenposition sicher beibehalten. Der Alarm kann entsperrt werden. (Klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Schaltfläche „Geräte“, um die Verbindung zurückzusetzen.)
And I don´t know what can I do, because i cannot say which time it runs or which time the error comes by burning.