Offset shading text


I have just seen a video of someone doing text shading. Whats the process?

If you followed the video, it´s just a way of playing with offset, duplicates, LPIs etc.
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The video doesnt show how to do it. I am wanting to recreate what they did with the text

The left one: 20 LPI, Cross-Hatch:ON, Scan Angle= 90º
The right one: FILL+LINE, 20 LPI, Scan Angle=30º
Oset_text.lbrn2 (56.6 KB)
I´m gonna make the REX one and explain more.

What you doing after the offset?

Operation 4. and 5. are needed because the shapes will be “eaten” with operation 8. 9. 10. .

  1. Write the text (C00), duplicate the text (Ctrl+D), set to another layer (C01) and adjust position.
  2. Select Text (C00), right-click and convert to path.

3.Toggle C01 Show to OFF.
4.Select shapes C00 and Duplicate (Ctrl+D).
5.Select shape R and duplicate again (R is two shapes).
6. Toggle C00 Show to ON
7. Set C01 Mode to Fill ( the trick for the shapes to remain closed after the following operations).
8. Select text C01 and then click “X” C00 black shape in an isolated point

(to select the upper most “X”)( if you drag select “X” you will select “X” duplicates and become unable to continue processing).
With the above selection select Tools>Cut Shapes ( Alt+Shift+C). Click Blue X and drag apart.

  1. Select text C01 and then click “E” C00 black shape. Select Tools>Cut Shapes ( Alt+Shift+C). Click Blue E and drag apart.

  2. A) Select text C01 and then click “R”

    isolated point inside shape C00 black shape. Select Tools>Cut Shapes ( Alt+Shift+C).
    B) Select text C01 and then click “R”

isolated point outside shape C00 black shape. Select Tools>Cut Shapes ( Alt+Shift+C). Click Blue R and drag apart.

  1. Select your shapes then check for duplicates (Alt+D)

    Yes remove duplicates.
    12.Group the shapes (Ctrl+G).

  2. Edit C01

  3. Preview

    It´s my first time making this with text, I suggest you practice first with shapes like the hand (without a compound shape like “R”) it´s wayyyyy easier.
    Remember that with Lightburn you can achieve the same result with several ways. In ten tries I might even find another way.

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Although the title is offset shading I believe the process is not with an offset (Tool).

For Galvo lasers theres a few easy options: