Oil on wheels of Y & X axis

I have a LM2 lase. Just wondering if I can oil the roller bearing on the Y & X axis and what kind of oil do I use.

If the bearings have no grease (oil) at all, I would recommend applying a light coat of machine bearing grease, not oil. Many types of lubricating oils actually contain chemicals that could cause corrosion of the bearings and adjacent parts. Make sure you use a lubricating grease. I pasted a link to the one I use on my sensitive equipment. Just my 2 cents, others may chime in differently. SUPER LUBE Anti-Corrosion and Connector Gel, Wet Lubricant Film, 500 °F Max. Operating Temp., 3 oz Tube - 44N784|82003 - Grainger!!!g!61865531738!&gucid=N:N:PS:Paid:GGL:CSM-2293:99F1R6:20501231&gclid=CjwKCAiAn5uOBhADEiwA_pZwcBZtnTdzsPgipMnjoZj4PcF3NTwG9lXKzQWVGEcOlqEileKX52ZAPBoCVEwQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds