One laptop, 3 instances of lightburn, 2 cameras - problem

Ok - this laptop also has a USB C port. Bought a USB-C hub to see if that’s got a second ‘usb controller’ dedicated to it so that both cameras will work with the laptop. If not, heck, I’ll just use it with my laptop, and get a new machine for these lasers.

But hey @lightburn, I just noticed that the ‘new’ version that I upgraded to (was on .9.2) - and “Optimize Z moves” is not working anymore.
I just ran a job with 6 different layers, same library settings applied to all 6, and in between objects the z table went up and back down…


In Linux we do ‘lspci -v’ to show a verbose listing of PCI bus hardware and it shows how many USB hubs/sub-systems you have… ie what hardware was identified. Doesn’t Windows have a way to see the hardware or does there have to be a special driver for everything before you can even tell it’s there?

Just plugging things and and seeing if it works or not will generally provide inconclusive or at least unreliable results. If the hardware is not there the answer should be evident.

Do you have 6 different layers? I think the current code goes back to the normal Z height at the end of each layer.

It does - the original .9.2 code I was using, when you ‘optimized z moves’ in settings, didn’t. I’ve run this job before which is why I was surprised to hear /see the z-table go up/down, up/down between objects. With optimize Z moves, it moved down, did the 6 objects, then moved back up to do the cut layer.

Well, an update.
Jacking in to the USB-C didn’t get me the 2nd camera… So, upgrading a little desktop built 18 months ago is my next step. I know you guys recommended playing around with linux, but not really in the mood to do that right now.

And thanks for everything.

Finally - @lightburn - can you please make ‘optimize z moves’ actually work the way it used to - i.e. optimize the z moves? :wink:

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