Ortur laser master 2 constant burning

Hi! My ortur laser is constantly burning… i used 15W and bought 20W but still have the same problem. I have used the machine for more than a month now and everything is fine… what could be the problem?

Can you provide more context please? What do you mean by constantly burning?

Has anything recently changed?

I was printing a logo and it is perfectly fine until it constantly burns as if there is no control from the laser… you can see the second picture draws a line and when i hit the stop, the machine stops but there’s a continues fire output…

So you’re saying the laser head stops moving but the laser continues to fire?

What version of firmware are you on?

@OrturTech may be able to provide insight. I’ve seen several people mention this but not sure if there’s an easy fix.

Yes… been looking for answers here too but i can’t find anything helpful yet…

When did you buy your laser? There was an issue with grounding that could cause jobs to stop. This was corrected earlier this year but older models you had to apply the fix yourself. Are you aware of this?

No i am not aware of this… i bought this just recently, 2 months in exact…
I just fixed it now… what i did is i blow dried everything with a hair drier and it worked again… i think the problem is the moisture…

If you bought it recently then it probably already has the grounding built-in.

How did it get wet?

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