Ortur Laser Master 2 - Laser Not Firing

I was running some black slates the last few days and everything was working fine with my Ortur Laser Master 2. Suddenly, the laser stopped firing. I checked all the connections (which as been an issue before) and restarted the job, it burned about the half of the coaster and stopped again. I rechecked all the connections again, restarted Lightburn, restarted the computer and it is still not firing. It WILL fire when I frame something, but as soon as I hit the ‘start’ button it begins the job but does not fire. All of the lights appear to come on on top of the laser, the fan turns on and it does everything but fire the laser. My best guess is the laser has died, but with the laser coming on when framing the job caused me to think I might be missing something.

I just thought I would ask if anyone has any other suggestions? Thank you in advance.

P.S. It has been running a lot of jobs the last 2 years.

Let’s look at and test both cases in the fastest way possible.

Set some scrap material in the workspace in case the laser starts working.

With LightBurn up and running, draw a small rectangle or square close to your origin.

In the Console window, click (turn on) the switch on the right that says Show all.

Frame as you normally would.
Then start the job.

Copy and paste that string of commands from the Console window into a reply here.

I’m interested to see what’s being commanded.

We’ll also need to know the Speed in the Move Window in LightBurn (it tells us what the frame speed should be). We’re also likely to need to know the engrave speed and % Power for the square (or rectangle) that you selected in LightBurn.

Thank you for the reply JohnJohn, here is what I have found per your instructions:

String of commands:

Stream completed in 0:02

Starting stream

G00 G17 G40 G20 G54




G0 X6.7586Y7.3985

Layer C00

G1 Y9.6015S600F118.11

G1 X9.2414

G1 Y7.3985

G1 X6.7586


G1 S0



G0 X0 Y0


[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:06

Move Screen:

Cut Screen with power settings:

Please let me know if you have any ideas to try or any other information.

Thank you.

Bump to the top one more time.


I finally caught up the new stuff, so today i’m going back through what I haven’t read… It looks like no one picked this up and it got overlooked. Here’s what I see in your screen capture and console information:

That G20 is an agreement that your computer and your engraver are reporting in inches. The first pic offers us some insight.
Forum 98984 - inches per second pic 1 crop 1
Forum 98984 - inches per second pic 1 crop 2
Along the top, units of Inches.
And, in the Move window mm/s

In the second window:
Forum 98984 - speed and power (Cropped)

50mm/s for the speed. In the GRBL controller, the default speeds are mm/minute. which means we’re expecting:
(60 seconds / minute) * (50 mm / second) = 3000 mm/minute
(1 inch / 25.4 mm) * 3000 mm/minute = 118.110 inches per minute.

So… that matches.

The next thing to look at is the S600

With everything powered up and plugged in, and connected; In the Console window in LightBurn type $$ and press Enter.

This will dump the Machine Settings. Please select and copy them from the Console window and paste them into a reply here.

I’m expecting both of these numbers to be 1000 based on the S600 above. If the engraver is using a number larger than 1000 for power scaling in $30, the S600 ‘spindle’ or Laser command will be interpreted as 600 out of whatever that number is.

The full set of Machine settings ($$) will show us what the maximum Accelerations and Speeds are allowed to be. I think you might be moving much too quick to make a mark on slate.

If you know what date LightBurn was working well for you, you can Import or Load a ‘Prefs’ file (lbprefs) and it will restore all the settings that you were using, a couple of weeks or months before whatever happened.

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I gave up since I hadn’t heard anything else. But before hand, the machine was working fine a few hours before this when I was burning more coasters (wood and slate). Suddenly this issue happened.

I have unhooked the machine, reset lightburn and pretty much gave up on it for now. I bought a replacement laser to start working with now.

If I have time later on, I’ll hook it up again and start from zero to see what happens. Thank you for getting back with me.

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