My Laser Master 2 Pro {4 months old} will only engrave images very, very faintly, and would only engrave at 1500 speed. I believe it was due to a dirty lens, then worked fine. I ran the test program that Ortur tech support gave me, wouldn’t work on the first 3 tries, then worked fine. I then loaded up several differnet images and ran them at 1500 and 25oo speeds at 80% power, it would again only engrave very faintly. I cleaned the lens, no difference.
If you’re getting intermittently very different power output then check the cable from the controller to the laser module to make sure there’s no damage to the cable. Clean the ends of the connector and the ports to make sure there’s no corrosion and good contact is being made.
There was one other user who had a similar problem and noticed it when he got a new laser module. Was able to clean the corrosion and repair the original module.
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