Ortur LM 2 Pro S2

I use the Ortur LM 2 Pro S2
Now i need replacement stepper motors?
Which one do i need?
What are the lasers current and voltage output?

Thanks a lot,

Stepper motors are usually the last parts to break down. They are nearly unbreakable. Are you really sure those are the issue? If you seek for replacements, use Nema 17 steppers of the same housing size, you don’t really need to care about the rest of the specs since they are all similar enough not to make a real difference.

The motor is not broken, i am currently building a rotary axis.

I tried this one, which does not work

Problem is i cant find one with the exact housign size

iMetrx NEMA 17 Schrittmotor 42x40mm Motor Extruder 1.5 A-3.8 V 2-Phasen 4-Draht 1.8 Grad, mit 1-Meter Kabel, für 3D Drucker Motor 1 Stück
iMetrx NEMA 17 Schrittmotor 42x40mm Motor Extruder 1.5 A-3.8 V 2-Phasen 4-Draht 1.8 Grad, mit 1-Meter Kabel, für 3D Drucker Motor 1 Stück : Amazon.de: Gewerbe, Industrie & Wissenschaft

That one looks perfectly fine.

you should just need the stepper drivers not the motor that does not go out. so i assume you used the wrong wire set. if you have stepper drivers on the mother board you canreplace then just buy those. but like my new longer 20w laser mother board they are now intergraded so i had to replace the motherboard it had new stepper divers in it so it worked. the motor was shaking bad and the replacement fixed it now it is smooth works great.

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