Ortur LM2 Pro Alarm:2

Hello. I have a problem, my Ortur LM2 pro burner frames the pattern to be engraved well but it does not engrave or cut. I also tried on files that were executed correctly when they were created. It does not currently engrave or cut. When I click on start, nothing happens. I get this error message: ALARM:2 The G-Code motion target exceeds the machine’s stroke. Machine position safely maintained. The alarm can be unlocked. (Right-click on the ‘Devices’ button to reset the connection) Online or almost online 15: Interrupted work Flow completed in 0:00 [MSG:Reset to continue] OK Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro S2 Ready! OLF 183. [MSG: Flame detector active,Ambient infrared value:0] Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help] [MSG:‘$H’|’ $X’ to unlock] [MSG:Caution: Unlocked] OK What to do please? This message is written with the help of a translator because I am French

Hello Helene
Your problem is more than likely old firmware and having an offset not resetting

Do this exactly
In console type:

Press enter
When you see “MSG: Restoring defaults”
Press the reset button on the controller box

Then power back the laser.
It should be ok now.

You really need to firmware update. latest is 191, you are on 183
Contact support@ortur3d.com for instructions

Hello, where is the reset button if it makes you feel good? I got the message restring defaults

The reset is in the laser controller box itself.

No results in terms of operation

To confirm

a) $RST=*
press ewnter
b) MSG restoring defaults
c) Click Reset button on the laser, then pwoer back on.

Still having the issue?

I asked ortur via the bot is they made me change the oriqine but hey ela has no impact on the work of the laser. he does not cut but he always frames the work to be done

You have a Work Offset stuck in the firmware memory, you must follow the steps i provided, exactly

Only then you can update firmware.

Where is the laser reset button, what’s the On Off button? Sorry not trotting gifted in English I translate out via google translate For the moment no result

I did what you told me but I don’t get any results. There is something that must not be done properly I think. Do I have a chance if I uninstall everything and I reinstall without removing lightbrun

Are you using Absolute Coordinates?
Check Laser Panel - start From:----

If so, this is a hardware/Firmwre issue, and not a LightBurn issue

Do you see something that would not be possible in the operation of the laser at the new parameterization? Namely, I haven’t changed any settings since my last use, which went without any problem.

I ended up finding the absolute values, that was the problem. I don’t know why this data has changed, I haven’t changed this point. The mysteries of computing. I wanted to thank you for the time and patience you have given me. Thank you so much. Hélène

The firmware still needs updating.
Or you will get this problem again in future

okay it’s noted Thank you

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