Ortur master 2 axe X ET Y


J’ai un laser ortur master 2

J’ai un probleme avec les axe X et Y il sont enregistrer X-645 Y-645 alors que le maxi X400 et Y430 quand je fais une remise a zéro en démarrant le programme ca tremble comme si le moteur essaye d’aller plus loin est ce que quelqu’un a déja eu cela et a trouver une solution???



I have an ortur master 2 laser

I have a problem with the X and Y axis they are recorded X-645 Y-645 while the maxi X400 and Y430 when I do a reset by starting the program it shakes as if the motor is trying to go further has anyone ever had this and found a solution ???

thank you

Greetings. Could you use image as guide and send images of your wiring
Suspect your Y switch is wrongly wired

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J ai vérifier tout a l air bien branché, mais je pense que k interrupteur le petit bouton noir de k axe X ne fonctionne plus que faire ?

I have checked everything seems to be well connected, but I think that the switch the small black button of the X axis does not work what to do?

Hello, I also have these problems with Y, X. I hope you can help me please, I attach a photograph of connections.