Overlapping the inner layers

This is still disabled. Did you change this last time? Have you power cycled your laser since enabling this?

Did you lower these values before? If so, it’s possible that your firmware does not allow writing to eeprom.

Let’s try. In Console enter these one at a time.


I think it changed when I closed the program and opened it ($32)
yes i tried it before($110=2000)

I tried with the settings and the result is the same, it is very interesting that I get results from grbl and not from ‘lightburn’.

“firmware does not allow writing to eeprom.” can you elaborate a bit on what you’re talking about?

This shouldn’t change from program closes. It’s possible your firmware doesn’t accept changes or they’re not persisted.

Check $$ again please to make sure the settings are saved.

I think what’s happening is that with G0 moves the controller is moving at rapid rates. This is causing your stepper to miss steps. By avoiding G0 moves and using only G1 moves with feed rate set in the cut settings this is avoided.

This shouldn’t change from program closes. It’s possible your firmware doesn’t accept changes or they’re not persisted.

you’re right
it returns to $32=0 after job starts

i tested it over and over and the result is the same i say start and stop $$ returns $32=0 when i check it

I think I have mediocre hardware :slight_smile:

Ok. Lots of things are making sense now.

What kind of controller is this? I wonder if there’s a firmware upgrade you can get for this that would allow it to make changes.

If it’s a common generic board you might be able to overwrite the firmware with something else.

view and contents of the accompanying flash memory

Well, the good news is that’s an arduino based controller and can be reflashed. Up to you if you want to do it but I would for sure if it was me. I hate crippled firmware.

You can even update directly from LaserGRBL in Tools->Flash Grbl Firmware. I suggest you use the firmware called:
v1.1h, custom, XY Homing 20190830

You’ll have to do some configuration afterward like disabling homing ($22=0), possibly motor direction $3 but you can take all those settings from your current configuration. There’s an important change you’ll need to make in LB Device Settings (S Value Max needs to match $30 which will probably be 255 in new firmware).

[EDIT] - I should note that you may want to backup your current firmware if you don’t have a copy of it.

backup my Nano - Using Arduino / Avrdude, stk500, Bootloader issues - Arduino Forum

There is a copy and of course I want to make it, even if I have no idea how to do it :slight_smile:

I think this is the place you’re talking about

Yes. That’s right.

You have an Arduino Nano. Pick the firmware “v1.1h, custom, XY Homing”.

Any advice for uno/nano and other options?

Port and Baud rate should match how you connect to the board.

The baud rate is automatically selected, should I change it?

Lower is probably fine but if you’ve been connecting reliably at 115200 go ahead and use that.

process completed

Can you run $$ and post here?