Power levels not changing between layers/sublayers

I just posted in the new thread. I will be posting there for any future discussion.

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5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Raycus RFL-P30QS Power Levels not changing between layers

This statement is confusing - How would you know it was working if you weren’t able to change any settings? (what settings are you changing that makes it stop working?)

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Sorry for not being clear, I meant the device settings. I haven’t done enough testing, but, from I can tell, I can import the markcfg7 file, and I can load the COR file. But anything else on the device settings screen will cause the power issue.
I need to be a little more methodical, and note what was changed when I see the problem, I hope to dive in deeper after Christmas. It seems to be working now, so I’m hesitant to go poking around until I get some orders finished.

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The markcfg7 file is set when you create a device… The COR file is used after it’s created…

As far as I know/knew, you used one or the other, not both…?


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Reimporting the markcfg7 file seems to have reset the Simmer Current “Laser_SPI_Simmer” setting to 80 which is expected.

Since this thread is time-locked and it appears resolved, please DM me and let me know if the unwanted power level behavior was solved by reimporting the markcfg7 file.

I’ll attach the Direct Message here and delete the DM comments.