Power levels not changing between layers/sublayers

I’ve seen this posted a few times already, but have never seen an answer.
I’m running an Omtech 50w fiber. When I use layers or sublayers with different settings, my laser “gets stuck” on the first power setting it uses. It appears to change speed and frequency, but power won’t change. I can run one layer, stop and restart my machine, then it will change the power. BUT then it will be stuck on the 2nd layer’s power until I restart it again.
I’ve uninstalled, and can verify that EZ Cad works as intended. When I reinstall Lightburn, I’m right back where i started.

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Maybe @JohnJohn can give you a lead on what you need to supply to help diagnose the issue. One of which is what Lightburn software version is this occurring.


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Thank you. This has occurred from 1.3 until the latest release. I’ve just had to compensate for the issue. But now I’ve got to run some parts that must have two power levels to turn out correctly.

It would be nice to know if it broke between the two versions.

This would be helpful, I’m sure.

If you don’t mind loading an older working version to test…?


Thank you for reporting this. I have escalated this to the dev team.

I believe this unit is available to someone on the Dev team for testing.

If we can’t replicate this behavior in-house we will likely reach out for further info and files for testing.

This was a very solid report. Thanks to @jkwilborn for the assist.

I started using Lightburn on v1.3, I’ve only had my laser for a year. But I can try an older version to see if it makes a difference.

Thanks for looking into this. Please let me know if I can help, or if you need more information from me. I have videos showing the laser’s behavior, as well.

@JohnJohn Heard anything back? I’m running a job next week with 100 parts that would really be nice to one as one program. Thanks.

I’ve bumped it where I reported it. I’ll draw some more attention to it if I don’t hear back shortly.

I just bumped it again in a more prominent channel. I’m trying… :slight_smile:

The first time I read this, I mistakenly thought this problem emerged after an update from a previously working version.

Because this hasn’t worked correctly for you up to this point, we’ll take a precautionary step, reimport the markcfg7 file, and retest. Do you still have the software (USB stick) that originally shipped with your engraver? If you’re willing, please share the markcfg7 file here. It’s possible that a very early version of the importer didn’t apply the settings correctly. I’ll try to verify what happened.

To start this process, Please Identify the Laser Source (JPT, IPG, etc.) and the version of LightBurn you’ve selected.

In LightBurn, click File, click Export Prefs, and save this file on your local Hard Drive in a directory without ‘OneDrive’ anywhere in the full path. Double-click the address bar to verify that OneDrive isn’t involved with your selection. Select a filename that you would find easy to remember.

Feel free to share that file here as a backup plan.

With those two files in hand, (markcfg7 and lbprefs files) use the Importer in LightBurn and build a new device profile for your Galvo.

Follow these steps to build a new Device Profile for your laser.

Please let us know if this process allows power levels to be changed in LightBurn between layers.

When you get this working and calibrated to your liking, save a new copy of your lbprefs file into the same directory as before. It’ll be good to have it to compare to the previous file for further troubleshooting.

Thank you so much. I was only able to set up and do a quick test today, but it seems like it’s working as expected. I’ll run a real program through it tomorrow and verify, but I think that did the trick. I figured it had to be something with the laser setup.

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If you saved the old prefs file and a new prefs file we may be able to determine the cause.

It’s not letting me upload the markcfg7 files.
I had copied the markcfg7 into a “laser config” folder and thats where I imported from originally. This time, I imported directly off the USB drive and that seems to be the fix. They have the same date modified dates.
I’ve run a few tests, and everything seems to be acting normally now. Let me know if I can help share any more information to determine a cause.

Lightburn Preferences 11-6-23 (original).lbprefs (40.1 KB)
Lightburn Preferences 11-7-23 (after reimport).lbprefs (40.6 KB)

If you add a .txt extension to the file, it will let you…

You can also put it in something like a google drive and post the link here. Make sure you set it so everybody with the link can read it.


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Here is the original.
markcfg7.txt (10.2 KB)

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Here is the one off the USB.
markcfg7.txt (10.2 KB)

6 posts were split to a new topic: Galvo not changing power levels between cleaning and engraving passes

For the 50W Galvo laser, It looks like there are different 50W models with different sources.

Which laser source (JPT, IPG, etc) are you using?
Which version of LightBurn?

I don’t know how I missed this when you responded but I’ll get the files in for analysis right away.

Mine has a Raycus laser.
Currently on 1.4.03. I’ve had my laser for a year, and it’s occurred on every version of LB I’ve used in that period.
I seem to be having the same issue as CJ. It seems to work right after I reimport the mark file, but if I change any settings I experience the power issue again. I haven’t done enough testing to narrow it down to what settings affect it.

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