Power setting not changing from one layer to another

I just got my new Monport 80W laser engraver. For a test piece I did a coaster with 2 layers. The first was a fill for the interior design set at a relatively low power and mid speed. The second was to cut out the coaster at higher power and low speed. The laser did great for the first but when it switched to the second it used the same power and speed setting as the first. I tried it a couple of times on different files same results. If I run them separately they do great. The fill fills and the cutout cutouts. What am I doing wrong? New to this Forum and to LightBurn. Be gentle.

How fast are you cutting it out and what are your minimum/maximum power level settings?

If the controller start speed is at or below the layers set speed, it will use only minimum power.


Thanks for the reply. Sorry to be so long in getting back. Things happen. The max and min power are the same. For the fill I have speed 130 in/sec and power 50%. Both max and min are the same. For Line (cutout) I have .3 in/sec and power 90%. Max 90% Min 85%. (still figuring out the right settings for that). If I run the program Computer USB to Machine USB I get the problem stated before. If I download to a stick and use the Machine USB to download it works great. Also the Ethernet will not connect up so this may be a machine problem and not a software problem. Any thoughts?

Something is not right here… that unit means it’s running at about 3300mm/s, pretty quick for a gantry…

Are you plugging it in directly to your computer or via a router/switch to your lan?

If you are going from pc → machine, you have to know a bit about networking to do this.

It’s much more simple to plug the Ruida into the local lan. The lan software has been hammered by millions and millions of people for many years, so it’s a good bet it works. Isn’t dependent on specific drivers like usb.

Communication means should not change the data… so, no I don’t think it’s related… However, Ethernet is much more dependable.


Thank you for all the info. I guess I should slow down my speed a lot and decrease the power to get same results. As for Ethernet I followed a video I saw on the web from a monport guy. Plugging from computer directly into ethernet port on the machine. Did it twice and could not get his results. The Louisiana Hobby Guy. I guess I’ll stick with USB sticks. Not very computer literate.

Thanks again for the help. Learning more each day!

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The most simple way is to use your lan. Mine is in the garage and I use a wireless bridge, Amazon, that’s on the my lan.

I have my Ruida set for an unused area of my lan in the same domain.

Just set it up as a bridge… They cost < $25 USD.

Beats sneakernet any day.
