Power supply problem


Homing fail. Cycle failed to clear limit switch when pulling off. Try increasing pull-off setting or check wiring.


Ortur Laser Master 2 S2 Ready!

OLF:OLF 190.



Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help]

[MSG:‘$H’|‘$X’ to unlock]

[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]


Why do you think that’s a power supply problem? The error message indicates that your limit switches are constantly activated. If not, try to invert them ($5).

Hmm, if the limit switches were constantly activated due to an incorrectly inverted limit pin signal the switch would act as if it were on all the time but you probably would not get that particular error.

And if a limit switch was mechanically stuck on, then inverting the signal would make it appear as it it wasn’t there at all, which would crash the axis - so maybe hold off on changing anything to do with $5 at this stage.

Was this laser machine working and homing ok before now?

Inspect your homing switches to make sure nothing is restricting or fouling them, and that they click on and off as expected.

To help isolate which axis is involved use the jog arrow keys in the Move window to move away from the front left home corner, then home one axis at a time by going to the console window and typing in $HX (enter) and $HY (enter).

Enter $$ into the console window, and copy and paste the results from the window back here. $27 is the limit switch pull off distance the alarm message is referring to, if it’s anything less than 1mm, try setting it to 2 or 3mm (enter into the console $27=3).

You get exactly that error then. I had a lot of such cases with the first Sculpfun S30 series because they set $5 to 0 in default settings, but it had to be 1. I suspect he has “auto home at startup” activated, so the laser tries to home upon connect, fails and then is ready.

Oliver, you can also send the ? command in the console and report the output here, then we can check the switch status.

Thanks for answers, i should give more information.
I just started machine these days, never worked. IT s Ortur LM2 S2.
When i give command to grave laser module goes to position but nothing happened.
I am new in this, and i ll try your sugestion.
Thanks again



















































































This shows that your switches are not recognized as pressed (Pn:P this means, only P, the probe sensor is activated). If you activate those switches while sending ? again, do you get any letters there? Pn:PX or Pn:PY? Then the switches work fine.

Though, you have $5 set to 7. This is weird. This can only be 0 or 1. There are more values that look weird, but I don’t know the Ortur firmware, so those might be ok. You can reset all values by sending $RST=* usually. If the firmware supports it.

its Pn:Py
when i give order module goes to grave position , but goes MSG.Power supply Problem:1V (or 0V,2V,4V). Check Troubleshooting Section in User Manual
MSG: PgmEnd

Ok, this message then seems to be a power supply problem. Since I don’t have that laser types / firmware, I can’t help. Sounds like you should try to change the power supply.

thanks for answering
i became answer from Ortur , i should disconnect the ground wire
now works

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