'Preview' not working v 1.3.01 Trial Version

Hi again.
Here is a text file with a dump of the Console output.
I can confirm that I am using what I believe to be the latest version of NEJE Firmware, 6.2.
The more I think about this, I’m tending to think that the issue is either caused by a Firmware issue but I’m not sure if it is my machines firmware or GRBL firmware issue.
I may be completely wrong and barking up the wrong tree!

Console.txt (44.9 KB)

Can you make a brand new connection with the laser? Then capture the Console output from the moment of connection forward.

What you’ve attached looks to be the partial output of a job run.

The Console Output is from the point I connected my NEJE using Lightburn.
It says it is going through the cycle but nothing at all is happening, not even laser operation.
When I click Home it is the only time it shows an error message

What says this? And what cycle? Are you attempting to run something at this time?

If so, I’m primarily only focused on the Welcome message.

Can you try again, perhaps with LightBurn newly opened and the laser off. Open Console. It should read “Waiting for connection…”. Then turn on the laser. If the laser doesn’t connect, make sure the correct port is selected in Laser window.

As soon as a connection is made you should see output in Console. Can you grab everything including the initial “Waiting for connection…” and then upload the content here?

Hi. Sorry if I’m not helping, by my trying to figure out in my head what’s going wrong.
I did exactly as you asked, and here is the transcript of the Console window, on connection to my NEJE Master. I think that my initial confusion that I had version 2 may have not helped.
Here is the transcript…

Waiting for connection…

Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]




Target buffer size found

______That was it

Is that all the info required at the moment?
GRBL automatically senses that the footprint is 150mm x 150mm and sets it in the configuration, along with other prerequisites for my NEJE Naster

Okay. That’s good. So it seems it’s getting basic connectivity.

After connecting, can you confirm that jogging controls work and work correctly?

In Move, window test up, down, left and right. Does the laser head move in the correct direction?

After testing that, can you run these commands and console? Then please describe what you see happen:

G0 X10
G0 Y10

There will be motion involved in these so be prepared.

After that, please test laser function. First, in Edit->Device Settings enable “Enable laser fire button”. Go to Move window and push the Fire button. Increase power until a laser light is seen. Then turn off. Did this work and at what percentage did you see a laser light. Please have goggles on when you do this.

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