Problem ortur Laser Master 2 pro

Hi lightburn Community,
Lightburn and my Laser work Fine together. But if i stop the Laser and let the ortur Go home i geht a error Message until i Write g92 x0 y0 in the consol. Every time

What error message do you get?

Can you run a homing operation and then run these commands in Console:


And the Message is (in german) das g-Code Bewegungsziel ĂĽberschreitet den Maschinenweg.

So i think the Home Point is wrong and i have to set it everytime to Zero. But why saved lightburn or the Laser Not home to Zero.

The Problem is with the lasersoftware (Firmware) OLF157. With the old Firmware from ortur this was Not Happen.
I Update the Firmware cause everytime the Laser Travel a longer distance it stopps. This Problem is gone but Now the homepoint isnt Zero.

I try the commands later when i was home

I suspect you have an inadvertent offset configured which has been an ongoing issue with certain lasers.

We can confirm once you send the output of those commands.

$I give me the Laser Model etc.
G54: -397.000, -397.000, 0.000
G55 - G59 0.000, 0.000, 0.000
G59.1 - G59.3 and G28 0.000, 0.000, 0.000,
And error 7 EEPROM- read fail. And „auf die Standardwerte zurücksetzen und wiederherstellen“ (German)

I was actually hoping to confirm that but sounds like you have v157 of firmware which is fine.

This means the entire command wasn’t processed but that’s okay. We have a smoking gun.

This confirms you have an offset configured.

You have two options:

  1. Run this command to directly negate the offset:
G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0

Then confirm that there is no longer an offset configured in G54.
2. Reset all your settings to defaults. You may want to do this as there may have been other configuration changes that were not set to defaults after your last firmware update:


Then check for offsets. You may need to do this more than once if the change does not take.

Yes the Firmware is OLF157.

After typing G10 L2 P1 X0 Y0 the offset in G54 stay the same.

It says MSG:Restoring defaults

But G54 is the same offset i tried it now over 15x and it changes nothing.

Can you run these commands and return results:














Der EEPROM-Lesevorgang ist fehlgeschlagen. Auf die Standardwerte zurĂĽcksetzen und wiederhergestellt.


[ORIGIN: China]



[MODEL: Ortur Laser Master 2 Pro]

[OLF: 157]

[DATE:22:11:10 - Jan 3 2022]



Target buffer size found


Can you run the command again? I want to see a full output and see if your machine can provide it.

Also, this is missing output of ? command.

It’s possible you have a bad firmware update and may want to reflash the firmware.

The “?” command



The $# command response me error 7 every time
so I have to refresh the firmware?

Thank you for helping me to find the error and everything.

Now it works.

I use a Mac to flash the Laser. After copy the .bin to the Laser my Computer did not eject the Laser. So after many minutes (30min and more) I had to hard reset the Laser by power off.
and this was the problem.

i have flashed the Firmware 6 times now and at the 6th time it disconnects properly and now the offset is gone.



















Excellent. It was definitely acting funny. Glad the reflash worked but wow… 6 times.

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