Problem with Waiting for connection - solved (ish)

I have seen many posts over the years relating to connections to lasers and I have also had many issues. However recently I was pretty methodical in trying to work oput what was going wrong and bizarely i found my issue.

If the USB cable is connected to the laser in my case a Sculpfun S10 then it provides enough power to turn on the usb chip. If you then turn on the laser’s main power it won’t connect.

So the process is turnon pc, connect usb cable, copen lightburn, it should then connect to the laser.
Properly power on the laser and it should be ok. If you need to restart lightburn or reconnect it then you will have to turn off the laser again.

This works for me every time. However, I never used to have to do this and I am not sure what changed. Even if I power on my laser before connecting to light burn, lighhtburn says connected in the laser control window but it does not connect properly. I suspect it may be a change in lightburn but not sure.

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Consider modifying your USB cable to eliminate the 5V pin. Alternatively, just put a piece of tape over that pin. Should prevent the computer from powering the controller.

This diagram shows the 5V pin in question:

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