Problema al enviar diseño de corte a la maquina por medio USB en la versión 10.0.1 en ocasiones si lo envía en ocasiones no, se reinstala versión anterior y funciona de mejor manera.
Problem when sending cutting design to the machine via USB in version 10.0.1 sometimes if you send it sometimes not, the previous version is reinstalled and it works better.
You are not providing much detail here for us to work with. How are you connecting to the laser? Can you successfully send a job using AutoLaser? This would confirm you have the correct driver installed and working.
Se conecta por medio de USB, los controladores estan actualizados y si se pueden enviar los diseños por medio de autolaser y tambien por medio de .out por una llave maya, el unico medio que no envia es por lightburn
It is connected via USB, the drivers are up to date and if the designs can be sent by means of autolaser and also by means of .out by a maya key, the only means that it does not send is by lightburn