I have just been given the task of rolling out LightBurn to the school’s fleet of computers for use (floating licence) and whilst I have managed to automate the install and licencing of the product utilising available data I now need to import a laser profile/device configuration and ideally do this through command line as we cannot be opening the app on every device manually to configure it. Is there a way to achieve this?
Do the users log in as themselves, or is there a specific account they’d log in to? The settings are all stored in the user profile, but you could pre-populate it with the preferences from a single initial system, and that would work. You can also export / import a device from the ‘Devices’ window, however we don’t have a way of doing this from the command line.
The users sign in as themselves, so pre-populating is probably the way to go, how and where are the settings stored? if its registry based for instance I could simply put the keys in place, is it a file that I can dump?
Jeff is correct - In LightBurn, open the prefs folder, then quit. Copy that prefs.ini file to the same location on other user profiles. Every LightBurn setting, including device config, is in there.
I PowerShell
Just an idea… (possibly you could add this to the machines to run on log in, and if you ever wanted to update the master preferences, they would automatically cascade to the students on their next log in)
$MasterConfig = "\\ABC123\Share\prefs.ini" #CHANGE THIS VARIABLE to be set to the UNC pointing to the prefs.ini source
$CurrentUser = $env:USERPROFILE #current user's windows profile location
$Target = $CurrentUser + "\AppData\Local\LightBurn\" #appending the current windows profile with the potential existance of a LightBurn folder
if(Test-Path -Path $Target){ #checks for the LightBurn folder
Copy-Item -Path $MasterConfig -Destination $Target -Force #if the folder exists then the master file is copied to the machine
exit #after copy, script exits
exit #if the LightBurn folder does not exist (application is not installed), the script exits
We are kind of doing something similar at this point we are just pushing the prefs to the default profile so they are added to the users when they log in for the first time. This is possible as the devices are getting imaged, in future if we need to update the prefs we will go for something like this or an MSI that replicates itself to each user depending on how much InTune is capable of at that point