I am at wits end on this one trying to send a vector to the back I have tried putting both vectors on the same level , tried putting the front vector first in the cut list nothing, tried converting the vector to a wireframe nothing
Tried creating two squares and sending one back ,nothing, they are both in line mode
Very frustrating when you are on a time constraint
Any Ideas
I too am growing frustrated at the “Push to…” not working as I’d expect any vector editor to work (they don’t “Push to…” by layers like LB does, layers and drawing order are independent). Back in this thread, Oz said he was going to work on it for filled wire frames, but 5 years later it seems to not have happened. Issues with arranging not working? Send to Back, Bring to Front. Just paid my update fee today hoping to have a few issues like this one resolved in the latest version, but sadly not the case. This version has the most bugs I’ve seen from LB. Editing nodes, selecting objects, scissors, and displaying layers doesn’t work consistently. May have to regress to the old version I was using 1.4.