Ray5 10W Limit Switch Help

I installed the limit switches on my Ray5 10W and also updated the firmware using my friends Windows notebook. I’m still having troubles running the laser head - because it vibrates and bangs into the frame when attempting to use. All cables and limit switches are installed as per the instructions for installing limit switches and updating the firmware. Someone suggested if I can get the $$ codes from somebody who has installed the limit switches and updated the firmware. Could someone send me what all your $ values are - all of them please. This way I can compare/match yours to mine to make sure that I have all of them updated properly. As long as we have the same machine they all should be the same. Thank you.

The board connected to this seat is a old one. So I think is not a good idea you guide for this settings.
Beware each machine as its own settings.

This seems to me a motor steps adjustment. $100ish.
But since I’m using the Windows OS, I prefer not to go too far ahead.

Is this topic related to this?

Thank you for drawing attention to this duplication. I’ll delete the post on the end of the other thread and lock it.


Please post your current $$ codes (Machine Settings) and check to see if the jog keys in the Move window work as expected. I’m confident that you could develop the codes you need.

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If you look on the data card that came with the machine, the Mac app updating tool is included. Look in the software folder for the Mac tool .zip file.

Found a video on installing the firmware that also provides a workable link to the correct firmware.

Information was extremely helpful. I was able to update firmware on my Ray5 after installing limit switches. Fantastic - really appreciate your help. Thank you.