RESOLVED - Lightburn 0.9.22 - Shift box which is replaced by power and speed adjustment

@LightBurn I’ve only reported one problem and I’ve uploaded a video file for it. The problem that I reported (and is still in 0.9.23) is that when pressing the arrow buttons on the move page, the speed and power adjust page is popping up. This is happening almost every time I am pressing one of the arrow keys.
If you want to emphasize it, try holding the shift key when pressing the buttons. Also, you must be connected to a laser engraver in order to see the bug.
I am using GRBL 1.1 laser cutter.
Hope this helps to clarify,

Hi Oz, i know nothing about software programming but just viewing the vid uploaded by ‘zohargolan’ maybe a short delay between the ‘movement arrows’ being pressed and the ‘speed/power’ screen showing.
The screen was meant only to show once the laser began a project?
Hope i’ve explained it ok, works in my head :thinking: but as i said, i know nothing about programming.

This has been fixed, and verified fixed with GRBL devices, but not posted yet.

@LightBurn , please let us know as soon as its available for testing.
Thank you,

@LightBurn , any ETC for this version?

Approximately “right now”. :slight_smile:

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@LightBurn Great, will test tomorrow hopefully, after the current job finish

@LightBurn I am glad to report that the problem of speed and power page popping up when using the move page is fixed.
Thank you for the fast response

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