Rotary setup help cloudray

Have a Chinese 60w red and black machine. Finally getting around to hooking up the couldray rotary we purchased for it. Have it wired up according to diagram below. I have attached some photos and videos to best describe my problem. I feel like maybe I’m just missing something I know some people say they have to switch plugs around on the controller? I’d really like to get this thing going so any advice would be awesome and much appreciated

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So it wouldn’t let me upload the videos. So when the rotary is hooked up I can only move the y axis from the controller so left and right. Do I manually move the x axis to put the laser in the proper place? Then when I hit start the wheels on the rotary just move back and worth they don’t actually spin in the same direction continuously and it’s a very rough movement to the point the cup falls off the rotary.

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