Rotate multiple words or rotate words in a sentence


How can I rotate multiple words together and not individually?
I would like to align all words exactly to the degree.
So, turn one word and everyone turns with it.

An example is attached.

I’ve been stuck here for a while and it’s not easy to always align everything evenly.

Best regards :slight_smile:



Wie kann ich mehrere Wörter zusammen drehen und nicht einzeln?
Ich möchte gerne alle Wörter genau aufs Grad ausrichten.
Also, ein Wort drehen und alle drehen sich mit.

Ein Beispiel ist angefügt.

Ich hänge hier schon eine Weile fest und es ist nicht einfach immer alles gleichmäßig auszurichten.

Viele Grüße :slight_smile:

Geburtstagskalender-Brett2.lbrn2 (178.9 KB)

I don’t think you can isolate a single word in a text string (sentence). I believe you would have to either break the sentence into separate text strings or convert to path and work with the words as groups.

There may be a more elegant way but, for your example, I would set the first word up as desired, then copy/paste, duplicate, or array. Then edit text for the copies.

Create 12 vertical construction lines on a non outputted layer and offset them a distance apart. Make each month unique then align them vertically to each construction line. Rotate each and youll have your setup. It isnt easy but having each unique word rotate around an arbitrary centerpoint ia really only doable with construction line setup.

Why rotate around a set point? I was assuming once the angle was right, the text object could be moved freely in X/Y to final position.

Of course, we all know what happens when we make an assumption… :grin:

Thanks :slight_smile:

The months are individual and not in the same sentence.

I set the first word, then copied and pasted it 11 times. Then adjusted the name.
But the orientation (degree) doesn’t suit me and I want to change it. Now I have to do this 12 times and make sure it is even. Very complex.

I also can’t find a way to enter the value in degrees directly.
Is that even possible in LB?

I didn’t understand about creating the construction lines. :innocent:

I’ve never tried it, but a virtual array may get you what you need. I seem to recall being able to rotate the “parent” object and have the “child” objects follow. You would have to “bake” the array after getting the names arranged properly to allow editing the text into the different months, but it may be worth a try.

For this, I would think using the longest month name for the set up would probably be most revealing for proper size, spacing, and rotation.

Just select all 12 individual objects and type 90 in rotation then press enter. They should all be rotated 90 degrees around their center. Its under “rotation: 0” on the top bar…type in 90 where it shows 0.

Unfortunately, it will rotate all selected objects as one object, even if they are not in group.
Virtual array as @cggorman is into and if possible with variable text function could be an option.

I have tested it, variable text option does not go with viritual array, unfortunately.
But with variable text function and 12x manual turning with the same setting in the % field as you describe yourself, it goes well enough.

I regret that I am writing again, for the same topic, but I have to fix a mistake I made in the last post.

Virtual array can handle variable text, see picture.

It is not so often that I have worked with virtual array and not at all in connection with variable text function combined, therefore my ignorance. But I have figured out how to do it.
With this combination it is possible to turn all the months, the way @ tomka demanded it.

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That’s good investigation work, Bernd! The community thanks you! I’ve been so busy with holiday and personal matters I haven’t been able to sit down with Lightburn open for a while and won’t have time for a couple more weeks.

Oh nooooo.
I didn’t press enter. With other inputs it works without it and that made me think that the function doesn’t work as I thought…
:face_with_spiral_eyes: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

Hello :wave:

Have I understood correctly that it is possible to rotate everything at the same time? :slight_smile:
How do you do this with the virtual arrays and what is the function called in LB?


I think I’m in the right direction. But then I can’t rename the individual months.

  1. Create January
  2. Create array of the selected object (arrow 1)
  3. Set distance and number
  4. Rename… but how? I’m still hanging here. I can change the first one and they all change. But the names shouldn’t all be the same. :wink:


The virtual array must be “baked” (I believe that’s the term they use) to turn it into a conventional array. Only then can the individual entities can be edited separately.

I believe you right-click on the parent entity and the context menu will have an option for switching the array type.

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There are two steps necessary, the first one you have already figured out. I’m still sending the link from the documentation because I think it’s so well done.

Step 2, here you must create a csv file in a spreadsheet or other program that can save a list as csv.
In your virtual array, write “%0” and format as “Merge/CSV”.
In the variable text window, you associate your small csv file and determine the start-end of the list.

I’ll add a little more explanation during the day but right now I’m busy with work.

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Thanks Bernd :slight_smile:

I will try with the CSV (Libre Office). I hope Google translates the text correctly.

The CSV is linked. I’m just stuck on the “and determine the start-end of the list.” What does that mean? Edit: *

The file only contains %0 . Hope that’s correct.

Have a nice work :wave:

see the Foto. I think you meen this. 1-12, right?

It’s the little “Test.csv”

And here my settings in LightBurn. In my version there is not a correct preview when I press the test button, it has cost me many hours to figure it out. But in the regular preview window everything is as it should be.
It is also a bit “illogical” (for me) that the table reference does not start with line “1” but with line “0”, which must be said that I am not very good with spreadsheets.

Finally, you can freely rotate “January” normally by using the rotation symbol at the corners and the rest of the year follows nicely and synchronously.
The nice thing is that you can change the content, format and shape of just one element and the rest follows.

In a csv file, there are fixed rules for how it is structured, in fact it “finds out” itself what is the heading and some other things like formatting… the relevant data set is therefore started with “0” and ends with “12” which corresponds to the data set and not to the rows.

p.s. you are missing a tick in “auto-advance”

I use variable text occasionally, but I must admit that I struggle with it.

I think it’s like with many of the other features. The ones we work a lot with, we are better at than the ones we do not use so much.
But it is a very strong tool especially for those who produce many series with names or number signs or have it as permanent function that counts up one’s number of produced parts.