Router-based software similar to Lightburn?

Topic pretty much says it all. Looking for something like Lightburn but geared more towards CNC needs. Love the UI in Lightburn, esp. being able to tune the shape sizes and positioning with edit boxes. So far haven’t found anything that does as good as job as Lightburn (cut2d doesn’t have property pages like LB, Easel is super limited even for the paid version, Fusion is waaaay out there in skill set). Any suggestions that don’t cost $2000/year?


I’m starting to use vcarve. It also has a free version to try. The free version lets you design but you can’t use the file

LightBurn are developing a CNC application called Millmage but I don’t know when it will be released to the public.

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Millmage is currently in beta with an expected public release 1st Qtr 2024, I am counting the days.


I use Lightburn to do the design. Then use older version of carbide create to generate gcode, then openbuilds control to do the work.
Royal pain when you look at Lightburn that does it all on the fly. How great it would be to be able to tab over from burning to routing. Lightburn would dominate.

The youtube video for MilMage looks fantastic - does anyone know how to request to be put on the beta tester list?

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When I tried vCarve I wasn’t able to edit the sizes of things after I made them, so if I decided the hole was supposed to be .35mm instead of .3mm, too bad. But if there IS a way to do it, I wasn’t able to find it.

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You have to edit your design and then generate new gcode. Looks like milmage is basically a gcode generator. Hope they are also going to let you control from same software.

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I am DELIGHTED to hear that Lightburn has a CNC product in the works! In addition to my Omech 60W laser I also have a grbl based CNC router and use a Mach 3 based CNC as well. This is THRILLING news.

Hopefully this is something that will be available soon. If anyone on the Lightburn team is tracking interest please add me to the list.


Y A A A A A A ! ! ! @JohnJohn please sign me up for beta.

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I’m allowed to share that LightBurn has a new product offering on its way.

I don’t know what the price will be, but I did hear “Industry Disruptive Pricing - As usual.”

I assure you, I’m equally DELIGHTED to be able to share, now that the keynote has been delivered. It’s been amazing watching it come together. It’s been a challenge being vague about it.

Oz gave some very specific instructions in the live Keynote: (Skip ahead to the start point / Origin Story ~31:00) I’m reviewing it again now.

When I find the point in the video where Oz announced the MillMage Beta testing I’ll include that timing as well. Enjoy.

56:30 “What’s next?”
1:02:03 Invitation for testing…

Thanks for the timestamps, I managed to miss it by skipping around.

“Industry Disruptive Pricing - As usual.” - hopefully inline with what Lightburn currently costs, and may I suggest a bundle/upgrade package? Dunno about others, but I totally don’t expect a full-blown CAD/CAM system at this price point, but able to import designs from other dedicated products would be nice.

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Me neither. If Zaxix motion control is added to the Lightburn U.I., I will be more than happy.

Thanks! I totally missed this too.

Now that it’s been announced when will we get more info on specifics? Stand alone, plugin, integrated control?

I think that’s fair and reasonable.

I’ve watched LightBurn grow over the last two years and it’s been amazing.

When MillMage arrives in 2024, it will begin its next growth and development phase. I’m looking forward to seeing which new tools get prioritized. Two years from now I expect Millmage will be considerably more refined and capable. I hope I’m still sitting here with a big grin on my face waiting for the next surprise from the Dev Team.

There are two ways to get more specifics. Wait for the Product Launch expected in Q1 2024… or get on the beta testing list and look around.

MillMage will talk to GCode controllers, most likely with a USB Cable but I don’t feel ethernet cable or WiFi are far off given the state of modern controllers.

Currently, folks are calling it 2.5D because it doesn’t do some of the 3D stuff.

There is a Generic GCode editing feature so commands and macros can be fully customized to run more interesting and more novel machines.

Cambam is what I use.

@JohnJohn MillMage is great news! I just made a request to join the beta.
Can’t wait to give it a spin :slight_smile:
From what I’ve seen in the LBX announce and demo vid, it appears it will adapt to plasma process quite easily.

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I know this is a standalone app. but as a dual user of laser and router I like vetrics approach. But I can’t bring myself to commit to their high price. Paying more for software than the machine is a deal breaker for me.


Applies to both software and controller…
If it can move in a tapered spiral (arcs with all 3 axes), it is 3D.
If it is limited to arcs on any 2 axes at a time, it is 2.5D.
If it only have 2 axes, it is 2D.
If it has only 1 axis, it is a drill press.


Is it going to support gcode G2 and G3, or just G1?