Ruida 6432 and rotary not working under rotary setup

Next I’m thinking of swapping out the driver maybe the new one I got is faulty

I am running out of ideas

You’ve isolated the switch out of the circuit, so that appears to only leave the stepper driver.

All we can do at this point is suggest going back over everything. It’s hard to believe the driver is at fault.


Something interesting, maybe not relevant, the bottom microstep driver, I’m assuming that’s the one running the rotary, is wired like the BJJCZ setup on a fiber. (PUL+ and DIR + jumpered common, signals on negative) Can’t see the top one clearly. I was unaware that the CO2 lasers wired that way.

Just out of curiosity, why would you expect different drivers in there? It’s the same game…

The galvo uses little power to move them, so no steppers to drive, so to speak. However a >2amp motor is likely to have it’s own motor driver.


Ok so I swapped the driver and that didn’t change anything
I have 2 other things I can mess with
1 power supply as currently the one in is running everything maybe to much draw(I’m grasping

I also have another rotary I can plug in
To try
But it’s the chuck I want to run ( guess it will tell me it’s in chuck)

I use 3 different rotaries on all three my machines just try and see

Ok so I have tried the driver swap no change
I have tried a different rotary device no change

Next up will be to take my laptop that has lightburn on it that runs other machines and plug I and setup the 6432 on it and try again

I’m running out of things to try

Is there any other suggestions on a fix for this

the newest update to this issue is I completely uninstalled lightburn and reinstalled the new version . now it will rotate like it should but it doesn’t seem to change the step count doesn’t seem to make difference what I set the steps to I have been shutting stuff down and restarting after adjustment any pointers

Ensure the rotary is enabled in Lightburn.

Does it work properly with the test button in the Lightburn gui?


It is now rotating when I hit the test (this didn’t happen before the complete delete and reinstall)
It’s currently set 6400 steps and 80mm diameter
It turns like 6 times

What doesn’t seem to change is the rotations if I change the steps
I have tried the shut down restart to is if it changes after but no go

Is the steps/rotation on the motor driver set to 6400?

Is this drive wheel diameter?

If it’s object diameter it doesn’t matter as it’s not needed to set this up..

1.) start with the steps/rotation set on the motor driver.
2.) multiply it by the ratio of the motor to drive wheel or roller

That gives you the proper steps/rotation in the Lightburn gui. Then all you need is the drive wheel diameter.

Don’t over complicate this, it shouldn’t be that difficult to get working.


80mm is the diameter of the chuck
6400 is what I believe driver is set at (need to double check) I know it’s what I was told were the steps

So in light burn rotary you have 3 spots
A. Steps (not sure what to put here as nothing changes)
B. Object diameter ( I put 80 here as goal is one rotation)
C. Circumference (calculated internally)

I have randomly adjusted A up and down and it doesn’t seem to change a the 6 rotations of the chuck

Steps/rotation is all you need to worry about with a chuck. When you start putting artwork on something with it, you’ll need the diameter.

You haven’t stated where you got the 6400 steps…motor driver?


The rotary I received is from my fiber
Richard Zang seller said rotary should be set for 6400
So I believe the driver is set to 6400
I will check in morn

What should A be set to

If the motor drives the chuck directly, set it to the same as the motor driver.


I will double check in morning but I don’t think that works I’m pretty sure I have had it set to match but will make sure

ok so I checked the driver is set to 6400
now the steps per rotation I had it at 6400 chuck turned 6 and a bit times
I changed it to 3200 hit ok shut laser off waited started back up went to rotary did read step sid 3200 I hit test and 6 and a bit turns

It should turn 1 rotation and back if your chuck is direct drive. I don’t think I’ve seen any with a 6:1 ratio.

How is this wired to the Ruida?

Are you using the normal Y axes to drive the rotary?


Currently with all the issues I have had this currently the only thing wired to the controller
There is no y hooked up
It direct from controller to driver driver to rotary