Ruida 6432 and rotary not working under rotary setup

Which axes is it using?


It’s wired in on the y
Today I messed a bunch with the settings on my driver I think I had it to about 1.5 rotations
But I forgot to write it all down
I’m really not having any luck with this
I know in my fiber this rotary is setup at 6400
And it was fine
Not so much this time

I’m pretty sure the steps in the lightburn rotary setup are not changing anything
I think it was the driver set to 25600 that gave me the closest to one rotation but I never got it right on nor did it seem to make any difference if I changed the steps in LB

Do you have two drivers, one for Y table and one for rotary?


Yes but currently the actual y driver is totally disconnected

I think the controller needs to know what steps to move an axes.

I’d set it up based on the Y axes, which I assume is working.
