Ruida Max/Min power issue

Max Power: The power level to run the laser at

Min Power: The power value used for corners, or when moving at low speed (DSP only)

Note: On GCode based systems, you only get “Max Power” - the power the laser will use when running at the chosen speed. On DSP systems, you have the additional ‘Min Power’ setting, which is used when traveling at low speed, or when cornering.

If you are cutting at a low overall speed (for example, 10 to 20 mm/sec on a CO2 machine) the laser might only ever use the ‘Min Power’ setting, so it is recommended when cutting at very slow speeds to set these both the same. If you are doing ‘surface marking’ you ideally want Min Power to be just above the firing threshold of the laser, so corners still produce a burn, but without scorching. - Redirecting...

On a Ruida controller (and most DSPs) the controller starts using ‘Min Power’, and as the speed passes a setting called the Start Speed (or corner speed), it ramps up toward Max Power. If your cut never goes faster than that Start Speed setting, it only uses the Min Power, not the max. The default for this on a Ruida controller is 10mm/sec, so that’s the most likely reason you’re not getting power. Configuring A Ruida - LightBurn Software Documentation

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