Sad new user: can't get past "error:20 Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block"

You have your laser configured as ilaser. Did you try the fix in post 20 of this Topic?

yes i did that. It was alredy on iLaserr device type

You do not want to be on iLaser device type. You want to be GRBL. Have you tried GRBL profile?

YES now it works, sorry my mistake. Tnx for helping me :smile:


Yeah. This worked for me too. YYAY

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comme beaucoup j’ai ce fameux problème de erreur G-CODE!
après avoir essayer tous ce qui est écrit dans vos réponse j’ai réuçi uniquement à découper un carré mais impossible de faire autre chose . Voici le code erreur affiché:
Démarrage de flux

Flux terminé en 0 :00

Démarrage de flux

Layer C00


Commande g-code non prise en charge ou non valide trouvée dans le bloc.

En ligne ou quasi en ligne 2 :

Travail interrompu

Flux terminé en 0 :00

je vous met aussi une copie de mon fichier G-Code.

2021-12-23 error 20.txt (704 Bytes)

Merci à tous.

Looks like you have the rotary enabled. Disable the rotary in Laser Tools->Rotary Setup.

Layer C00


Commande g-code non prise en charge ou non valide trouvée dans le bloc.

En ligne ou quasi en ligne 2 :

Travail interrompu

Flux terminé en 0 :00

same error in lightburn 1.3.0

z axe inactive

Did you disable Rotary?

Please take a full screenshot of LightBurn with the design loaded and ready to burn.

Thank you so so much!! This mistake made me crazy.

I have a similar problem, this is the error:
Starting stream
Layer C00
Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block.
On or near line 0:
Unsupported or invalid g-code command found in block.
On or near line 2:
Job halted
Stream completed in 0:00

I’m pasting the Gcode for reference.

Test1.txt (1,6 KB)

I’m using an iDraw 2.0 laser engraver (

EDIT: I realised my firmware is not the latest (V2.08 instead of V2.09) but the firmware update provided by the laser manufacturer glitches and does not work.

Thanks to anyone who will be willing to help :pray:

@MArcoseb @nedim2501 I’d encourage you both to create new Topics for your specific issues. Your issues is likely different enough from the original that the same fix does not apply.

Please make sure to include as much detail about your situation as possible. That will help people understand what you’re facing.

thanks berainlb!

Thank you for this question and answer. Days Ive been fretting over this machine thinking Id have to buy a new one. I did try to use the roller thingybob last time I use it. Thank you again :hugs::+1:

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18 posts were split to a new topic: Error 20 - Not rotary, Not iLaser, Not Enable GCode Clustering