Sculpfun s9 does finde in the "Line" setting but keeps the laser on constantly in "FILL"

After I first connected the laser yesterday I was able to fillcut or scan my name on cardboard. But when I chose “fill” as layer option and then start the laser it just scorches all lines black. What settings do I have to change to get it back to normal fill? Thank you!

This beginner walkthrough and the documentation as a whole is really worth going through. Will get you oriented very rapidly:
Beginner Walkthrough - LightBurn Software Documentation

There are also a series of video tutorials. Tutorial #3 is specific to cut settings.
Tutorials – LightBurn Software

Thank you. I watched all the videos on this page.
I understand that when i chose the cut-“layer” and I print a letter a with the text-tool, it can cut the letter or engraves a line around the letter. So far so good.
But as soon as I chose for the same letter the “fill-layer” and press start, it doesnt trace the letter anymore but produces line after line black burn, not traces of the letter …
What can I change?

Is there a way to reset all the parameters but still keep the connection to my sculpfun s9? I am using a Macbook and it took me ages to get the software connected to the sculpfun. Thats the reason why I would not like to reinstall lightburn …

I’m not sure I follow. What else would you expect it to do? Have you tried changing this to “Line” mode? I realized that the tutorial for cut settings is a bit old as “cut” layer type changed name to “line” and “scan” moved to “fill”.

Is there something specific you’re trying to accomplish with this?

Yes. I want to be able to “fill” the letters or be able to use a picture to bring it to wood or other materials.

When I am trying to “burn” a picture with white and dark parts onto wood, then ALL parts are scorched and black, even when i put in very low laser power (5 percent) and quick speed. All is black.

If I understand you correctly you do want the letters to be filled, but you’re saying that it’s simply too burned?

Can you confirm that the Preview of the burn looks like what you expect?

Can you post a screenshot of LightBurn showing your design and with cut settings showing?

one is the jpg. I loaded into lightburn and chose the trace option. Even in the preview window it showed a black and white picture. And you see the wood just black, not even different shading.
I cant remember the settings for the burn but I remember it was very low intensity.
Any idea what I could try?

I made several attempts, As soon as I could see there is no difference I stopped the burnig, cause the smoke in my room got pretty intense.

Let’s go back to basics because it’s hard to tell where things are going sideways and can’t correlate the image to the burn.

If you try to burn basic text. Does it look correct?

  1. Save the actual design file so that the cut settings are preserved. Upload .lbrn file here.
  2. Check Preview to see that the planned burn path matches what you expect. Take a screenshot and upload.
  3. Run the burn. Take a photo and upload.

A.lbrn2 (12.0 KB)
Everything works fine in "Line"cut-mode. Here are the files.

Looks like you’re getting burns on traversal moves. Can you run this in Console and copy/paste outputted text here?


Separate from that what happens if you switch cut layer to Fill?

How to run it in console? I will now switch the letter to “fill” layer and post a picture.

Go to Console window. If it’s not visible, make sure to turn it on from Windows menu.
Then copy the commands into the input field.

I left ALL settings as they were in CUT-mode, only changed to FILL-mode now.
Thats the beginning of the burn. I didnt burn the whole A since this would have meant smoke alarm in the house. From the picture you see that it burns the whole lines, no distinction…

Thanks for the explanation. Here is the console text of the last actions:

Waiting for connection…




Target buffer size found




Homing cycle is not enabled in your Grbl settings.

Starting stream

[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:01

Starting stream

[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:01

Starting stream

[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:00

Starting stream

[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:00



Starting stream

Stream completed in 0:00



Starting stream

Stream completed in 0:00

Starting stream

Layer cut

[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:12

Project file saved as A.

Starting stream

Stream completed in 0:00




Target buffer size found




Homing cycle is not enabled in your Grbl settings.

Starting stream

[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:02

Starting stream

[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:00

Starting stream

[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:00

Starting stream

[MSG:Pgm End]

Stream completed in 0:00



Starting stream

Stream completed in 0:00

Starting stream

Layer cut

Job halted

Stream completed in 0:33



Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.


Grbl 1.1h [’$’ for help]

[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]

[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]


You’ll likely need to go much faster with fill mode. Try 2000 mm/min and reduce power to 30%. Adjust from there until you get a reasonable burn.

I don’t follow. Can you elaborate? I suspect with the improved settings things will be more apparent.

You should disable “Auto-home on startup” from Edit->Device Settings as your machine is not equipped with limit switches.

It also seems that output of $$ was not included in the output.

I tried 3 different settings: the ast one was: speed 8000!!! thousand, not hundred. and lowest power of 1 percent, You see the result. For the third setting I let the program run to the end. Still burnt and the top of the A is missing …

I think this is an issue with your settings. Can you send the output of $$?