Sculpfun S9 Limit Switches Not Stopping stepper motors


If I press the limit switch manually I can see it in the console, if it rapidly press the limit switch manually while it is trying to home it stops in both directions eventually.

Was this a self built upgrade?
What debounce you set up?

How do I display those? New to the game!

and yes I set it up

Question is, machine comes preinstalled with switches, or did you install them yourself?

if so, you might have to play with the location and debouce size so it touches → clears _> and retouches the switches
you might want to try to adjust $26 to 100, $27 to 5. you can tweak those after

also are they NC or NO switches?

Set them up on the NO side

Not my speciality Sculpfun - obviously but i see plenty of videos about it you might want to check

Italian but should work too

I see even lightburn did this

check Grbl section

Actually watch all of these this forum popped up when I was looking for more!

I also have some guide with step-by-step instructions on adding limit switches to Sculpfun lasers: Limit Switches - Diode Laser Wiki (if you prefer reading over watching :slight_smile: )

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