Seit dem update 0.9.24

Lieber Patrick ein bisschen mehr info wäre wirklich hilfreich.
Welches weis wird mit gebrennt?
Meinst du die punkten um dein Text? Zeig doch mal wie das Resultat aussieht oder hast du nur Probleme mit dem Vorschau? Schreib doch mal genau was dir stört, nur Bilder hilft nicht wirklich.

Dear Patrick, a bit more info would be really helpful.
Which white is being burned? Do you mean the dots around the text? Show how the result looks like or is your problem with the preview only?
Please write what the problem is a bit more detailed way. Just pictures and 3 words do not really pin point your problem. LG Enno

Your whole project is a picture, everything that is in the square frame. If you want it separated, mask it and decide what to engrave and what not.
To test it, I have only masked your dog’s head, set speed and power and started it - without any problems.
I think it goes wrong for you when you arrange your dog picture and put it together with the text, as I said - everything in your file is a big picture. Your work process must have been different before you updated your license from trial to paid.

hallo ich habe das selbe bild davor genau so gelasert wie die datei was ich ihnen gesendet habe und da hat es noch funktioniert

dann habe ich mir das programm gekauft und seit dem gehet es aus ihrgend einem grund nicht mehr

It’s a shame I can not help you either, but believe me, no one will be able to engrave your image as it is “without the white”, purchased software or not.


das habe ich noch mit der testversion gemacht

hier das original bild

If you only want to engrave dog and text, you must in the software you have used save the image without background - otherwise it will always be “printed” with the rest.

musste ich davor aber nicht machen

I am checking this thread, because I am learning to better use my image controls and do pictures more clearly, with great success!
BUT! I have one question… Enno Groen, are you using Lightburn 0.9.25??? :scream_cat:

Is it possible that you just did not notice that your laser has run from frame edge to frame edge (without engraving everything around the dog and text, because it is white = 0 power)?

yes a beta version

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