Setting up an XY moving table

Hello, I’ve been using my STJ-50S machine using EzCad2 for the past 6 months, I have an XY axis moving table, not rotary, that I’ve been using no problem during that time. Now that I’ve transitioned to Lightburn I was able to migrate all the settings I was using before, but I lost the option to control/move my table, and Lightburn only shows options for Rotary , not horizontal XY movements, is there any way I could install/set up/ add/ control my moving table ???


… Only a side question, is it used for "mass production / parts shifts? It looks very advanced almost like a milling machine.

As far as I know it only supports a rotary or a single external axes.

I’m not 100% certain, but my EZCa2 board is a lite and only has one external axes. The higher priced ones for EZCad2 have two… I’d guess you have a more expensive model…

I know the Lightburn people are looking at supporting a Z axes on the fiber, but I don’t know how they sit with dual axes…

Maybe @Rick could chime in and maybe give us some wonderful news :crazy_face:

Out of curiosity, what does this buy you?



Split Marking - very much like using a rotary, but on two axis, yes. We are familiar, yet have not played with this hardware directly. On the list to investigate further, but that will take some time. :slight_smile:


Main reason for buying it was to be able to do jobs as big as 400x400 while using a smaller objective lens like a 75mm, you get all of the benefits of a smaller diameter lens without compromising working area since I usually do 20 mm splits, the axis move the table accordingly, it works for deep engraving fast and even cutting, but I have to say, it’s a big waste of money if what you are planning on working has any shape other than squared / rectangle, because by using the moving table to do jobs that big, you are not able to project your design on the table. I bought it with the intention of doing full size guns at once without having to move it from part to part of the gun, surprise, it won’t work.

And switching to Lightburn now basically makes that moving table a very expensive relic with no use whatsoever, at least until the programmers decide to work on that and enable the option to add it

Hello! I have been readin carefully your post because I am looking to make something similar to what you have done. Maybe I could suggest you a solution for the table that you are not able to use now due to the fact that Lightburn do not support XY axys moving. I am planning to build external XY axis with DDCS V3.1 controller. This is a controller for CNC routers, but is easy to set up, and writing a few lines of Gcode can achieve what you are looking for. Hope this can help to you

Does this board support a galvo head?


Hello! It is not a board. It is a complete stand alone controller for CNC machines. Usually small CNC machine used a board + Computer and Mach3 Software. This controller came to replace Computer + Mach3 Software. The way I made it to work is as follow. You have to set up the design in Lightburn and use the signal reserved in BJJCZ board for the pedal. Then from DDCS V3.1 you will send a pulse with and M command that start the engraving. When engraving is finished BJJCZ board will send a pulse to the CNC controller telling that the task is finished. Then the CNC controller moves to the next position and send another pulse to BJJCZ board to start marking again. You have to connect the drivers of the XY table to the CNC controller. If you know some about G code I can send the example of the few lines that need to be written. To connect the CNC controller with BJJCZ board you will need 2 Electronic Relays.

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I’ll have to think on this one… Not sure I follow how the hardware works.

Thanks for the pdf


If you need help to operate it just let me know it is very easy. I have them in 2 CNC little routers in my factory/ Now I am waiting for a new XY table from China. Once I receive it I can show you how I have connected it to the BJJCZ board. This controller can be bought on Aliexpress or Taobao. It should cost less than 200U$D,scm-url:1007.40050.354490.0,pvid:9c0cecce-264d-4973-bbf2-59accc4d508d,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238114%231999&pdp_npi=4%40dis!USD!264.29!185.00!!!264.29!185.00!%402101c9ac17225484694577109e0152!12000026348929013!rec!US!!ABXZ&utparam-url=scene%3ApcDetailTopMoreOtherSeller|query_from%3A