"Small" jobs cannot be paused while bigger can

I’m running LB to control a Xtool D1 pro .
I’m cutting wood thin wood veneers and in some case I would need to pause the job the remove some pieces cut.
the “small” jobs doesn’t pause …
As long as the laser is in “busy” state I can pause

but for “small” jobs the status turns to ready in few seconds and it’s impossible to pause:

It seems that all the code has been send to the cutter so it’s not possible to pause anymore.
Is there a workaround or a setting to fix this?
I search quickly on the forum and internet but did not find anything.
Found this but it should has been fixed by now :slight_smile:

Thansk for your help !

Most of these grbl machines stream controls to the controller. With the Arduino, it has a very limited buffer to hold this information. I think the X1 uses a 32 bit controller and may have a much larger buffer…

I would guess that the pause is handled by stopping the data stream to the controller…

If your X1 can buffer the whole job, then there would be no way to pause it… it sounds like that’s what’s happening from your description.

You’ll have to wait for one of the Lightburn people to confirm it, maybe @Rick can advise us if I’m using faulty logic…

Oz claims the issue in your posted link was fixed long ago, before the 1.0 release. You may want to check which grbl version you’re running, as he stated in the link.

GRBL-M3 doesn’t have an instant pause, but GRBL does.

At least I know he knows :man_shrugging:


as i understand it, and this was something I discussed heavily with my firmware team too, HALT commands (send by say emergency stops, switches, or STOP/Pause) should stop the planner/Motion instantly.
Regardless of the buffer size

But I had this behavior happen before too by firmware side bugs. I think some versions of GrblHal flavor had this before so if firmware dont update… is a pain

make sure you are running the latest firmware, would be the 1st thing i would check

Lightburn knows nothing about emergency stops or limit switch activation and could not generate a HALT command … It’s also not a pause, it shuts down everything…

Even if it reads the output of a limit or emergency stop via the output stream, it isn’t fast enough to save anything.

If I’m mistaken, please let me know…


True, Lightburn only issues the Halt commands - In case of stop/Pause/resume - it knows nothing about hardware.

The point was more, firmware has to interpret said halts immediately, if not something is amiss. And i doubt this has anything to do with LB itself

Hi there
Thanks for the answer .
I will check the grbl version as soon as i find how to check this :slight_smile:

For firmware , it s up to date .

Not sure i get all the discussion but the hard alarm when the head bump the frame are working good (lucky me )

When i hit pause on LB during a small job it seems nothing is sent to the machine (don t see nothing in the console ) .
BUT stop command is working , even for small jobs …

Anyway to tell LB to send the command “slowly” not to fill all the buffer in 1 sc ? :slight_smile:

Most of the time, any electronic signal will out run any mechanical operation.

If you move the head to the opposite corner, even the slowest communications will transfer faster, filling up the buffer, quicker than the machine could perform the requested operation. Most of these only buffer a small number of operations.

So, no, it’s not really applicable.

As we get more powerful processors with lots of cheap memory on the control board, this will undoubtedly change.

Sorry don’t know what to advise you on this…


Thanks for the feedback.
I just notice than with XCS software (the native from Xtool) , I can pause even small jobs using the button, on the machine , while with Lightburn the button doesn’t do anything… anychance to use this button for small job and ligthbur?
. I don’t really like XCS

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