This video might help your understanding of the differences.
So when I hit Home on the machine it goes to the back left from the controller
On the snapmaker, the limit switches for homing are at the top of Z, left of X, and front of Y. However; after homing it assigns the Z/Y positions as the external limits of the machine.
My 2.0 A350T, after homing and as reported in Luban:
So moving all 3 of these to 0, means the toolhead moves down to the lower left of the bed, whereas it’s currently at the upper left, and Z at the top of the gantry. Home doesn’t always mean 0,0,0, home is just the repeatable reference point so the machine knows where it is. Work coordinates are then derived from the machine coordinates of these positions.
I think the Artisan is a little different but I can find anywhere it says the machine origin is other then the machine homes out at the back left
I have a question for anyone with a Artisan machine when homing the machine what corner of the table origin go to upper left upper right lower right or lower left just asking to someone who has the artisan
I just hit that on my machine, running GRBL instead of SM profile to get the air assist working also requires this S value setting or the laser skips many (but not all!) of the shapes. “burns” them at zero power.
Ok, will do. Hadn’t hit the G1 issue yet.