Need help. I am trying to import a file that was saved in Corel as a PDF and when I try to import it in Lightburn, it crashes the software.
This isn’t remotely enough info to help you. Please read the post’s about what to include in your request for help.
Running an HP laptop with Windows 10 ver 1803.
Created in Corel 2018
Image is 150mm by 150mm 300dpi, converted to bitmap and saved as PDF
Using Lightburn V9.02
IF this is not the right info, then please specify exactly what you need. Thanks.
The first thing you should do is upgrade to version 9.06
LightBurn should not crash. Please send any crash report generated along with the offending PDF file to developer at lightburnsoftware dot com, and reference this post. We can have a look and will post back what we find.
Okay. Downloaded the latest version of Lightburn 9.06. Resaved the file in Corel 2018 as a pdf. When importing into Lightburn, all I get is a blank square. Any help please???
And what should it be? We can’t “see” what you do so please, use more words to describe what you trying to accomplish, what you did to achieve this and what the results are.
All of that was explained above. Here it is again:
Running an HP laptop with Windows 10 ver 1803.
Created in Corel 2018
Image is 150mm by 150mm 300dpi, converted to bitmap and saved as PDF
Using Lightburn V9.06
IF this is not the right info, then please specify exactly what you need. Thanks.
It is just a pic that I downloaded from email. Ran a purchased script in Corel to get it ready to laser on tile. The file saved fine and I can view it in pdf viewer. Does not import into Lightburn
Not asking you to repeat yourself, I am seeking clarity.
Oh, a script to prep an image file. Thanks for sharing that. Is there a reason you are saving the image as a PDF file? What does this script do? I am trying to understand the issues and offer the best resolution.
Have you sent this file to us for review?
PDF isn’t a great format for saving a bitmap - much easier to just save a BMP or PNG file. By saving it as a PDF you’re wrapping a relatively simple file format within a very complex one.
Having said that, it should work - if you email the PDF you’re trying to import to developer at LightBurnSoftware dot com, I’ll try to figure out what’s going wrong and fix it.
I reached out to a user group on FB and got ideas that worked right away. With running the script, I needed to save the file as a bmp but that is not an option from the Corel save menu. I had to export the file from Corel as a bmp. Seems to be a crazy work around and don’t know why bmp is not an option on the save as menu. But their idea worked and now engraving the tile. Thanks.
That was my first suggestion too - I’d still like you to send me the PDF so I can try figure out why that didn’t work.
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