When engraving images with an Ortur Lm3 using a YRR rotary, I am getting little squiggly lines at the beginning of all images. The squiggly lines are always different and only at the beginning. When engraving without the rotary everything is fine. Suggestions or has anyone experienced this?
Strange. It looks like the direction of the engraving was 90° in this case? Or better to say, up and down in this image? Then it’s strange why there should be kind of a line that is completely different in direction at the beginning. Maybe you can take a video of the start?
In preview, with “Show Traversal Moves” checked, where does the first traversal line enter your image?
I will need to set back up and try this. What are you thinking?
BTW, the squiggly lines are always different but always start at the far left of the burn.
I can take a video but you would not be able to see anything with laser so close to the material.
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