Starting the Light burn camera

Try right clicking the lightburn tab and selecting troubleshoot compatibility. My computer put it into windows 8 compatibility mode and it started working
This is what Rick did , I went back and did this and it worked for me to

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The problem with the Lightburn camera not coming up in the software (screen photo) is still happening. The second photo was taken from the Windows 10 camera app so I know the camera is working correctly.

Windows 10 recently pushed updates that changed a bunch of permissions related to cameras, which I believe is why we’re seeing so much of this suddenly.

Go through this list first:

If you still don’t have an image, reply here and I’ll send you a link to an update with the new camera code. I may try to push that release forward a little just to try to resolve this sooner.

I checked the camera security settings. Allow apps to access camera and allow desktop apps to access camera are set to ON. One new thing I did discover is that when the Lightburn software locks up (Not responding), if I unplug the camera’s usb connection, the software not responding stops. I also changed the compatibility mode to Windows 8 but that didn’t seem to make any difference.

may i please have link to get my 2 cameras working

Good news!! This release seems to have solved the issue. The camera now appears in the Lightburn software calibration window. Thanks for the quick response.

It will have another problem when you try to run the alignment - there’s some test code in it that I’m in the process of removing, and I’ll be posting a new one in a few minutes. Wait about 10 minutes and download again.

Ok, new beta is posted.

The camera target alignment went as expected, however, when it came to framing the image with the laser, the laser head ran to the upper left corner and did not run the sample image frame perimeter. I tried to adjust the scale factor to various amounts but it did not seem to help.

I have no idea what you just said. The camera target alignment is the process that lets you frame, but you just said that went as expected, so I’m confused.

I just ran the Calibrate Camera Alignment wizard, used the scale appropriate for my test machine, and it framed where it was supposed to. Can you describe the issue you’re having in more detail? Remember, I can’t see what you see, so you have to spell it out.

The calibration wizard worked with the camera and the test dot pattern. With the next step to burn the test pattern, my laser head just moved to the upper left corner when I tried to run the frame to make sure the test pattern would fit. It’s like the software is not controlling the laser movement.

Try this:

  • Draw a small square, set it to line mode with light power
  • Select it, and press P to center it in the page
  • Set the ‘Start From’ value to Absolute Coords
  • Click the Frame button to see where the machine frames

That’s more or less what the camera alignment system is doing. If that works, the camera stuff should too. If it doesn’t work, then you may have a weird origin mode enabled in your controller, like multi-origin.

Drawing the small square and then pushing the Frame button seems to work fine. When I am in the Calibrate Camera Alignment section, the grid alignment comes up in the software and I set the speed & power but if I hit the “Start” button, the laser just instantly beeps as it does when a job is finished and the laser head never moves. If I hit the “Frame” button, my laser head just goes to the upper left corner and jams. I agree that it seems to be a setting in my controller that is the problem.

After completing the camera lens calibration, I tried to complete the Calibrate Camera Alignment section. As shown in this photo, everything seems to progress well until I try to burn the target image with my laser. When I hit the Start button, nothing seems to be transmitted to my laser to burn the image as it just immediately beeps as though it finished but the laser head never moves.

Can you take another screen shot with the camera wizard window moved to the other side, so I can see all your laser controls? I’m wondering if you have something like “cut selected graphics” enabled (which the system should explicitly disable, but it’s worth a look).

I haven’t ever heard of it doing what you’re seeing it do, so I’m trying to figure out what’s happening.

I know the usb connection to my laser is okay because the Move function does jog the laser head. I also tried to send a different file that I had burned before and the same thing happens; the laser head doesn’t move and the controller beeps as it does when a file is completed. If I take the same previous file saved to a usb flash drive and run it, the laser completes the job with no problem.

I might’ve had some other changes “in flight” with this version you grabbed, though, that doesn’t explain the framing behavior - that’s just a sequence of absolute moves, so those should work too. Give me a bit to run some tests and I’ll post an update.

Need the link too. I posted my problem on another tread before I found this one.

It’s above, in this thread: