Stopping and set the laser power while working on the machine

Hi, :raised_back_of_hand: I’m a new Lightburn user (we all know why :smiley:) and I’m trying different things to know how it works. :blush:

Does anyone have the same problem when working on the snapmaker 2.0 A350 via USB Flash DISK?

:one: When I put the program on USB FLASH DISK and start the machine. Everything goes fine, but when I pause on the panel or open the door and the laser stops. After pressing continue, the machine goes to the starting point and forms diffrent lines. Looks like a star :star: and the picture is ruined. :pensive:

But if the power goes out and I turn it on again and continue pressing, it continues where it left off and goes fine. :+1: :blush:

And the second thing.

:two: If the machine is running and I reduce the laser power on the panel, it will automatically return to 100% power after a few seconds. :pensive:
But reducing the working speed works well. :+1: :blush:

Does anyone know anything about this?

I didn’t find anything.
Some Photos and Videos: Zásilka | Ú

Thank you guys