Stuck in same location

I have an RDC-6445S it was removed from my K40 when I built this new laser. SPI 55w Laser tube, and the latest version of Lightburn. Here is my problem.
It acts like it is stuck in Incremental coordinates, It draws the correct shape when the laser is cutting but loses location when it’s time to move to the next section, I did the word TEXT and it stacked all the letters on top of each other. Any Ideas that could hel?

Does the path image on the Panel look correct or does it also show the stacked letters?

If the Panel view looks correct then you’re probably dealing with lost steps. Either something mechanical or your settings are too aggressive for your machine or stepper motor / driver setup. Check belt tension, pinions, etc for proper mechanical function.

Check motor driver to make sure it’s configured properly for your motors, particularly current.

If all mechanical and hardware configuration is fine then you may need to reduce acceleration and/or speed on the controller.

No, It shows it doing perfectly to the display. As for the drivers I’m under the current callout. It’s 2.8 and I’m set on a 2.37 peak, but for the microstep resolution, I’m on the highest setting. It’s the only one that will move it. I’m also using ballscrews instead of belts as it’s 2’ x 3’ travel. It slides with little resistance when the ballscrew is unconnected. I built many machines with slides but the Stepper Motors and Drivers are new to me. Should I contact Stepperonline about this?

Might not be a bad idea to make sure you’re getting the most of the setup.

What motors do you have and how is the driver currently setup?

Have you tried reducing max acceleration and/or speed to see if it will work with that? Not the best long term solution given you’re likely leaving performance on the table but might be good to confirm it can work.

In playing with it , while actually cutting it’s fine as soon as the laser turns off to move it seems to call that spot home and move to the next cut from there. Like it’s stuck in incremental. and changes the dimension on the panel. My driver is the Stepperonline DM542T (V4.0) and motor is 23HS22-2804S 2.8A 1.26N.m

I suggest reducing max acceleration and speed to see if it works. That will be the quickest way to identify if this is a missing steps issue or something else.

Did you reconfigure the controller for the new machine it’s installed in? If you moved it from a K40 to a new laser, you’d need to change all the step lengths, acceleration and speed settings, and so on.

Yes, I followed the outline and even printed out the book to go by.

Trying these now

An update as I try new things. I tried to move the Y to 200MM and The X to 100MM Location. X moves fine. Y doesn’t move and zero’s itself. Makes me think it’s a switch that I need to find in Rudia RD-6445S

When you moved from the K40 to the new laser, did you do a factory reset and then start from a blank slate or did you only adjust the settings that were necessary?

What do you mean by zeroing itself? Are you saying that you can’t the steppers to move at all?

Do your jogging controls work from LightBurn? How about if you use the controls on the Panel?

On the Panel, It zeroes out and won’t move past the 0 until I reset it and home it out again. and No I did not do a factory reset. That’s the only thing I haven’t tried. Should have, I think I will try it now and see.

I suggest you make sure to have a backup if you try this. Factory reset goes to basically a blank slate and will require a full setup.

Is this referring to the position? So Y position is reported as 0? When does it do this? As in under what conditions?

when i did a go to location or a move

So after homing, you’re saying you can never move Y away from the axis?

Is this a new condition? A little confused as you were able to burn before.

Did you attempt to reduce acceleration/speed to see if that would alleviate your symptoms?

no, I home out as normal, Then use the move to command to go to X100 and Y200. The x moves and the Y moves like 10mm then they zero out at this new location

i did a reset and know when i do the move it goes to over 100 in x an no move in y, yet says it moved to x100, y200

Oh… that’s interesting.

So almost the opposite of what you had before?

I assume what’s happening now is that you’re missing steps in the motor. Do you hear a buzzing from the Y motor? It’s possible that the controller is sending steps to the driver and counting to Y200 but that there’s no motion due to missing steps.

Only when I use the Move command does it do this. And no There is no sound. I even traded out the Y motor to see if that’s it. I read on another forum for the Controller that 1 person was having a similar problem but there is no repy to him. He wanted to go back in his firmware, because he said n\he hadn’t had that problem before.

Move command in LightBurn or on the panel?

Have you attempted to reduce max acceleration/speed?