Success. Then i noticed that the "enable rotary" tab on the laser page, just below the home tab, is missing. I restarted both the computer and the laser, still no response. What should I do? Please help

I am new to the Lightburn Software program. I am using a Role Laser Matic MK2 laser. I am trying to setup my rotary fixture for the first time. I went thru all of the steps; I restarted both the computer and the laser with no success. Then I noticed that the “Enable Rotary” tab on the laser page just below the home tab is missing. What would you suggest that I do to resolve my issue?
Thank you for your assistance.

Try this
Top menu click the cogs
Or Edit → settings
make sure your settings match image

I cannot thank you enough for your assistance. I am very new to the field of laser engraving and I know that I will be back on the forum again.
Again Thank You

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Thats why we are all here! Glad it worked

have a good weekend

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