Switching to diode from fiber laser using daja mr. carve m4 dual laser

As the title says, i have daja mr carve m4 and its running on the 1.07 beta ver, of lightburn but i cant find a way to use the diode laser

Tell us more, how do you switch between lasers with original software?
Can the original software output some code for us to check?
Are you trying both sametime ?

Isn’t there a button on the left side of the case for this?

If you want the software to do this, maybe @Rick could advise… I don’t know if it’s supported or not. It’s the weekend, so be patient.

They claim 15W at 1064nM, never seen that much power out of a single diode made me be a bit more interested … however it’s more like they typo’d it and swapped the output power, doubt the 455nM output is only 2 watts. On dual machines, like this, the 1064nM output is usually about 2W.

I believe it operates at a fibers frequency of 1064nM, but I’m convinced it’s not a fiber machine.

If you’re interested, here’s a video from Russ Sadler about lasers, co2 and fiber. If you don’t care about glass tube co2, then you can skip to about 30:30 into the video where he speaks about how fiber lasers operates.

Nevertheless, it’s a very nice machine, have fun with it :scream_cat:

My 60W fiber produces 18kW output pulses…

Good luck


yes, the seacad(original software) has a button to switch from diode to fiber. im not trying to use the same mode at the same time i want to switch between each engrave from switching different materials like wooden keychains and or aluminum keychain.

the button doesnt work. tried using it. bought the m4 cause its a cheaper alternative compared to xtool f1 or the laserpecker, im using it for video purposes since diode laser doesnt look good on videos because of the blue light and also i want a galvo for the same reason, i own desktop diode laser but the laser heads blocks the engrave and also the bluelight. i can switch from the original software “seacad” to light burn easily but i do prefer using lightburn since im already used to it and i do love lightburn also want to have an all in one software for my lasers. hopefully it can switch if not hopefully in the future.

Then go back to the vendor for a fix… That would seem to say you have some kind of hardware issue…

Completely understand… We (at least most of us) are limited by a budget.

I don’t’ have anything that runs Seacad, so I’m of no help there.

May want to refrain from referring to it as a fiber. That’s the wrong type of laser. If you want to reference the difference, visible light (diode) or IR… leave fiber out of it, as you’ll get suggestions that are not applicable.

In reality, they are both diodes anyway … :scream_cat:


Are you saying the button in SeaCad does not work, or referring to a switch in LightBurn?

Update: @gilaraujo mentioned in a side chat that this switch/button is a physical one, on the side of the machine. If this is the case, you will need to reach back to the manufacture for further assistance to resolve that issue. :slight_smile:

I watched a video on this and it showed them pressing a physical button on the left side of the machine to switch between lasers.



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