Tabs or something?

Hello guys, I have problem with something like tabs it is very small but very annoying. Sometimes path it’s moved sometimes not. That tabs are on path out way. Anybody has same problem? Look at the pic.
Thanks for help.

It will probably help with an lbrn2 file, to see if the file behaves in the same way with others. I assume you have checked to see if tabs are turned off.

Yes, tabs are turned off.

GodJulRy.lbrn2 (552.5 KB)

I have looked at your file and found nothing wrong with the design.
It could be that you lose steps once in a while.

That can be problem with motors ? Because belts are ok.

Sometimes the small pinion screw in the gear is loose, it’s hard to see. I don’t think I’ve heard of the stepper motors failing like this. Btw, are they very hot?

You can try using ‘Constant Power’ mode, or adding a bit of overcut. A diode will lower power when going slow at the start / end of a cut, by default. If you turn on Constant Power mode, it will maintain the same power through the entire cut.

I used constant power for test, still same resault.

No, motors are not hot. I thing that is some kind of problem with setup because these shifts are randomly, sometimes in axis x, sometimes in axis y. I’m trying to find out what it depend on.

I don’t know your diode laser, but in my old Eleksmaker the lens itself was loose in the socket once, the result reminds me a bit of your problem.

Lens checked and on a place. Guys that’s crazy :crazy_face:

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