"There was a problem sending data to the laser. Machine may be busy or paused"

I have been all over the internet with this specific problem and could not solve it. O boy, and have I tried EVERYTHING without any positive outcome. Could someone please help me? Laser Nova 51, 100W. My Lightburn software is 1.7.07.
My files are clean on the Ruida controller. I have re- started both my computer & laser several times. I have double and triple checked my IP address on both laser & Lightburn software as well as my computer IP address. I have replaced my old ethernet cable (CAT 6) with a new ethernet (CAT 5 temporary) cable and which we tested that is in a working order. I even tried different files with no luck. Also tested a usb pc cable. Uploaded the file to a usb stick without any luck. Plugged both the ethernet, usb pc cable & usb stick into the controller inside the laser (inside the side panel door) also without any luck. According to the Thunder manual, light 14 must be flashing, if not the controller is damaged. Light 14 is flashing vigorously and lights 9, 12, and 15 are shining solid. My son “pinged” the laser from my computer and picked it up. The files just do not want to send from my computer to the laser. Al is left is the “RESET” button on my laser, but the Thunder manual is very unclear on what will happen if I press that button. Are there may be other options to explore?

Do NOT do a factory reset, you will lose all your vendor settings.It may not be the cable that is the problem but it could be the sockets the cable plugs into, check and see if there are any bent pins in the sockets.

It may be that the memory on your ruida is full. Try deleting some files from it and try again.

For the common Ruida 6442 and 6445 controllers:

  • 15=+5V
  • 14=Run
  • 12=Link
  • 9=WP1

My KT332N controller lacks LEDs, so I can only wonder whether the flashing Run LED means the controller thinks it’s busy doing something.

If that’s the conspicuous button on the machine console, it does the same kind of reset as happens when turning the power on. For mine, the Reset button homes the XY axes and clears the current job. I’d expect the same to happen on yours.

However, to emphasize @Wyked’s point, stay away from the Factory Reset option in the controller’s menu, because doing that will, in general, wipe out all the settings and put you in a world of hurt.

It turns out Ruida controllers have trouble reading USB sticks unless they’re formatted FAT16 / FAT32 and have only a few GB. Find the oldest & smallest USB stick in the back of a drawer and see if it works better. You can sometimes reformat a newer / larger stick to work by trickery, but the older & smaller, the better.

Although you’re running Windows 10, it is possible a background Windows Update changed the network settings such that a ping works, but the UDP transfers required to actually do something fail. Debugging that is far above my abilities, but if you can deploy a different PC for testing, that will help isolate the problem.

For the common Ruida 6442 and 6445 controllers:

  • 15=+5V
  • 14=Run
  • 12=Link
  • 9=WP1

My KT332N controller lacks LEDs, so I can only wonder whether the flashing Run LED means the controller thinks it’s busy doing something.

Slow flashing is Op system polling network address for activity, fast flashing Data Transfer.

The way that the ruida controller recieves data is the problem. A lightburn bridge device was created to help solve the issue with sending data and it doesn’t complete the send exactly like you experienced. If you don’t have a raspberry pi, they do sell a kit. Or you can make your own. The connection will be much more reliable

I took my bridge out, but think I’ll put it back. My network is busy with 3d printers and things so I’m seeing this again.. Currently, when I see this, I’ll stop the job and restart the send. It will usually finish on the second send. It’s not a memory issue on the controller unless your engraving some really large item with fine detail

Thank you.

I did mention that it is already empty.

Thank you very much. I have tried my oldest usb sticks. I will investigate my Windows.

Thank you, it was actually just a square I wanted to cut. It worked fine the previous day. Actually, it worked fine for 2 years. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

UPDATE: What happened, I do not know. After a week of no solutions my laser start sending the files and cut with the same ethernet cable. I suspect maybe some software updated somewhere last night. I am just very thankful that it is up and running again.:smiling_face: I switched between WI-FI providers. Thank you for all the suggestions much appreciated.

Glad to hear you are up and running. I had a similar problem last week with my laser and found an old post on the forum that Oz answered.Sorry I can’t recall the exact post but the gist is the user deleted all files from his Ruida controller and still didn’t successfully transfer to the laser. Oz suggested he use the Other menu on the Control panel rather than simply deleting the files to reset the memory. That seemed to free up the memory and allowed file transfer to work. Oz attributed it to a quirk of the Ruida.

Since I had over the years saved over 50 rd files on my laser and didn’t want to delete one file at a time, I cleared the files via the controller and it solved my problems. I was sending a file of 160kb and sent it 10 times without fail.

To determine file size you can save as an Rd file and look at it’s size after you save on your computer. Also, I believe there are lots of things that can affect wireless WiFi, so I would hardwire laser to your router or a switch, to avoid things that might be affecting your Wireless connection that you have no control over.

Thank you for your input, much appreciated. I will never forget this awful problem which cost me a total week.:smiling_face: On the other hand, I learned a lot more about my laser. Not the least, this forum is totally GOLD in solving problems. Have a great day.

I get this same annoying message all the time. I’m on a different controller, computer, and on WiFi from this thread. I’ve been using pretty much the same setup for years and only lately this is happening.
What changed? Lightburn updates and I updated my computer to win 11.
I’d love to once again have a robust connection to my controller

3 posts were split to a new topic: Sculpfun Connection Issues

Had a similar issue easy to overlook “The correct Com Port”, I have to set mine each and every time I launch LB. Worth checking.