Hi - I purchased an older used Chinese CO2 laser with a Trocen 708C controller - it came with a rotary. I have to remove the y axis from the stepper motor and plug in the rotary. So I have it “working” - but in lightburn I can’t seem to do the set up - am I missing something or will it not support lightburn with the rotary? Any help is appreciated. I have enabled the rotary in the laser menu - but when I try to engrave everything comes out stretched, its not a circle or anything extreme - its a simple square - but it comes out like a rectangle. Its a simple roller type rotary - I have entered the diameter of the item in the laser - I also entered the pulse count per rotate - I guessed at 5000. Is there a formula to figure this out based on the diameter of the item?
This is the basic setup information.
Good luck
Thank you I will give that a try - yes hooked up to the y axis. Once I get that step up - does this equal the pulse count per rotation? The “current” diameter is that the item I am engraving or is that the diameter of the rollers? I have been reading it means the roller diameter. Thanks
If you have a chuck the test button should rotate the chuck once then back. With a roller, the roller will rotate one complete turn and back.
With a roller, there is no need to know the diameter. It’s only on the gui so you can make a tool frame to ensure the artwork is right.
The steps/rotation is based on the motor driver stepper. You then have to multiply it with the ratio of your wheel.
Mine is set for 2000 steps/rotation and the ratio is 2.5 to 1, so 2.5 * 2000 = 5000 steps/rotation in the gui.
Make sense?
Ok thanks - yes I think I know what you’re saying. Much appreciated
Let us know if it fixes the issue.
Should I be able to set up the roller in lightburn - with Trocen I can’t see anything- I see enable rotary - but I don’t see the set up rotary button in lightburn. Thanks
You can’t configure the rotary on a Trocen controller from LightBurn. Has to be done on the controller itself. See this post from Oz here:
Thanks everyone I figured out the pulse count per rotate is 19,400 - I found a Trocen manual that mentioned that number - and it worked perfectly. I entered the diameter of the water bottle and it worked out everything else I guess. I hope this helps someone else. Thanks again
With a wheel type rotary, the diameter isn’t needed for the machine to work properly.
Thanks - that is true I just needed the correct pulse count to get the proper rotation. I needed the circumference to get the correct alignment in lightburn - I set up a template with the circumference so things line up properly on the bottle. Thanks for all the help
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