Tumbler setting for xtool d1

Ive been trying to engrave tumblers on my x tool d1 and have had some good success but keep running into the same problem. The finished engraving never seems to be as bright silver as i would like. The edges of the image seem to be brighter silver than the rest of the engraved area. It also seems to be streaky looking where you can see lines in the image. ice attached an example and the setting i was using. Any help would be appreciated.

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Your settings for speed / power are too high and it is etching the stainless steel under the powder coating which embeds the burn residue in the steel. I downloaded a power wheel (attached) and engraved it on a test tumbler at 3000mm/min and 100% power. I then look at where the silver comes through the best and set the power to that percentage. For most stainless tuimblers I am around 3000mm/min and 55% power using the RA2/Chock for the rotary attachment. After you engrave it I use dawn soap and a Mr. Clean Pad to remove the residue.


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